It wasn't your fault

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Sam steps into their former office.

His face was blank and his body was weak.

He'd just watched his partner, his best friend, his husband, die right before his eyes.

And immediately after that, a failed attempt to resurrect him.

The sorrow and grief he felt couldn't be described.

He slowly goes to sit on the couch and stare into space, before slowly burying his face in his hands, his elbows resting on his knees.

He didn't know what else to do.

The only sound was wind blowing through the broken window.


Until someone spoke.

"Hey, Sam, why the long face?"

The sudden loud exclamation nearly made Sam jump straight out of his skin.

He looks around frantically. "W-whazzat?! Whosthere?!"

"Right here, dummy!" came the voice from right in front of him.

Sam looks in the direction of the voice, and what he saw makes his eyes shrink and his knees almost buckle.

It was max.

Or at least, something that looked like him, but translucent.

Same fluffy ears, same brown eyes, same pearly-white smile.

The two stared at each other for a long while, Sam's heartbeat could be heard from the moon.
Suddenly, Sam falls to his knees, hugging himself. "Oh my god I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry!" he yells, rivers of tears flowing from his eyes. "It was all my fault i understand if you can't forgive me i understand if you never wanna see me again i understand if you wanna just fade away-"

"Okay, you can stop that RIGHT now!" Max says sternly.

Sam goes silent, still crying.

He kneels down, holding Sam's face. "Look at me."

Sam slowly looks up, gazing into Max's eyes. Max gives him a soft look.

"It was NOT your fault."

After a bit of silence, Sam looks away. "Yes it was..."

Max strokes his jaw bone. "How?"

Sam sighs. "If I had caught you when we were on top of the statue... you wouldn't have swallowed that demon..."

Max shakes his head. "That wasn't your fault... you didn't know where i was gonna land..." he giggles. "And honestly, I probably would have eaten it anyway, you know me..."

Sam smiles a bit, then it fades. "But what about when we were all inside your head?" he looks down. "If I was just ONE MINUTE faster..." he starts to weep again.

Max wipes his tears. "Sammy, that wasn't your fault..." he growls. "It was my superego's fault." he looks off to the side. "Pompous bastard..."

Sam looks in Max's eyes, teary eyed. "But... but... I still feel like, there was more I could have done... more choices i could have made..."

Sam closes his eyes. "I feel like, if I'd have done just one thing differently... you'd still be alive..."

Max kisses his nose. "Sammy..." he strokes his ear gently. "Even if it was your fault, which it isn't..."

Sam opens his eyes again. Max smiles at him.

"I forgive you."

Sam starts to sob again, hugging him tightly. Max reciprocates, rubbing Sam's back. "Shhh... it's okay big guy..."

The two remained there for a long while, Sam crying and Max comforting him.

Just two freelance police.


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