Sam and the beanstalk

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Once upon a time, there was a small village out in the countryside, and in this village, there was a small house.

In this house lived a lonely dog, Samuel, and his grandmother, Ruth. The two had recently fallen into unemployment and were living on dwindling savings, and it wasn't long before they'd run out of money, and in turn, out of food.

One Sunday afternoon, the both of them were sitting at the table, eating their meager feast of bread and butter. Ruth looked to her grandson. "Listen Samuel." she said. Sam looks at her, listening. Ruth sighed. "We have very little money left, barely enough for rent." Sam nodded. "I know grandmother." Ruth looked out the window at their old cow. "After lunch, I'd like you to go out and try to sell the cow." Sam looks, then nods. "Okay." Ruth smiles. "She might not get us much, but hopefully enough to last us until we can find new jobs." Sam nodded.

After they had finished their food, Ruth took Sam outside and handed him the cows rope. "Now remember Samuel, don't accept anything less than $200 for her." Sam nots. "I'll try my best granny." And with that, he started down the road.

He walked all over town, but no one seemed interested in the bovine. They all either had too many cows of their own or just weren't interested.

That is, until he walked just out of town, sighing sadly. "Well, I guess I'll just have to go back to grandma empty pawed..." he says as he sits down on a log.

"Au contraire." Said a voice.

Sam looked around. "W-who said that...?" An old man wearing a brown robe walked up to him. Sam looked at him. "Who are you?" He asked. The man smiled. "I'm interested in your cow." Sam smiled. "Hi, interested in your cow, I'm Sam." The man laughs. "Ah, you're as funny as you are wise, young man." Sam giggles. "Thanks."

Sam then stands up. "So, what're you willing to pay for the cow?" The man smiles. "Would you be up for a trade?" Sam smiles a bit. "Depends on what I'm trading for." The man reaches in his robe pocket. "Something incredible, young Sam."

He pulls out three pinto beans.

Sam looks at them. "Beans...?" The man smiled. "These aren't just any old beans..." he said. "They're MAGIC beans."

Sam scoffed. "Pfft, there's no such thing as magic beans." The man smiled. "Oh? Well I planted some in my garden, and the most amazing thing happened!" Sam tilted his head. "What happened?"
The man then turned away. "Ah, I'm wasting my time, you've already said you don't want them." He said as he started to walk away.

Sam thinks. He has doubts in his mind, but he was too curious about the supposedly amazing thing. "Wait..." he said. "I'll take them." The man smiles and turns around. "Wonderful! Glad you changed your mind!"

Sam hands him the cow's rope and the man hands Sam the beans. "Pleasure doing business with ya" The man said. Sam smiled. "The pleasure's all mine." He said as he turned around. "You won't regret it, I promise."

As Sam walks home, he looks at the beans. "Granny will be so proud of me!"

She was not.

As soon as she sees the beans, her face falls and her shoulders droop. "Samuel." She rubs in between her eyes with her thumb and forefinger. "You traded our cow, our only hope of getting ANY money, away for BEANS?" Sam slowly nodded. "T-they're... magic...?"

Granny looked at Sam like he was an idiot.

She then sighed. "I supposed That's what I get for trusting someone so gullible...." Sam frowned. "I'm... sorry, grandma.... I... I hope you're not mad..." Ruth sighed. "I'm not mad... just... disappointed..." Sam's shoulders dropped. How could he have been so foolish?

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