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(art by  _TropicVibes_ on twitter) 

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a happy family of three. A cobbler, his wife, and his young son, Samuel.

Samuel was a bright and charming young boy who loved to spend time with his parents, helping his mother with household chores and helping his father make shoes. The three of them were a bit poor, but they were happy all the same.

Unfortunately, not long after Samuel turned 13, his mother caught a bad case of smallpox, and passed away shortly thereafter, leaving him and his father despaired and lonesome.

Eventually, the cobbler took a new wife, the upper class and high profile lady stinky. Lady stinky had two sons of her own, nicknamed specs and peepers.
(Not whizzer because he's too nice)

Despite her high class and elegant appearance, lady stinky was actually selfish and vain, and her sons weren't much better. Samuel often had to clean up after them, do their laundry, and make them all food. In particular, he often had to go down to the river nearby the house and catch fish to eat. Due to this, he often smelled like fish around breakfast time before he had a chance to bathe, Thus earning him the nickname, "salmonella."

Five years later, around Samuel's 18th birthday, his old father passed on, leaving Samuel in the clutches of his horrid stepmother and his hellish step brothers. It wasn't the best life, but Samuel remained hopeful that one day, he would make it out of there, and live a life all his own.

One morning, the big clock tower chimed 6:00 am.

Samuel turned in his bed, opening one eye. "Aw come on... five more minutes..?" He asked, knowing the clock would just chime again. He sighs. "Ugh.. okay fine..." he says, sitting up and getting out of bed. "Time to start the day."

He stretched, going to his closet and changing out of his pajamas into his working clothes. After he was all dressed, he went out the back door of the house and down to the river, tossing his net in and waiting for fish to swim into it, sitting down.

Even though he loathed the nickname, he really liked sitting outside. The early morning sunrise, the gentle breeze, the smell of morning dew, it was all so peaceful. A far cry from the loud chaos that was sure to follow breakfast.

As soon as he'd collected enough fish, he hauls the net back up to the house and puts most of the fish in the icebox, but keeps a few to fry up for breakfast. Along with the fish, he made a pot of tea to serve. While he worked, he liked to hum a happy tune, at least when there was no one else around. Unfortunately he wasn't alone for long.

"SALMONELLA!" two ear-grating voices called from upstairs, startling Sam so much, he nearly dropped the pot. "COMING!" he shouts back.

He then sighs, putting the meals and drinks on silver trays before carrying all three up the stairs. He wasn't looking forward to doing this for the ten thousandth time...

He opens the door. "Good morning, peepers." the boy with freakishly big eyes was angry. "Took you long enough!" Sam walks over. "Sorry, the fish were stubborn this morning." he says, putting the bed tray up and setting the plate and cup down. "Ugh, fried salmon again?" peepers cringes. "Can't you catch any other fish!?" Sam chuckles. "I don't control what fish swim into the net, peeps, I just pull the net up." peepers sneered. "Ugh, well, you could have at least cooked it differently! I'm sick of fried salmon!" Sam smirks. "Well, summon some shrimp into the net, and I'll cook that up." peepers rolled his creepily large eyes. "Whatever, get Outta here!" Sam nodded. 'With pleasure' he thought as he exited the room, closing the door.

He took a brief breather before heading to the next room, opening the door. "Good mornin' specs." the snooty boy groans. "Ugh, what's so good about it? My hair is all messed up, and you are-" he looks at his watch. "Exactly 5 seconds late to bring breakfast! Now I'm gonna starve!" Sam resists the urge to roll his eyes as he sets the tray table up. "I'm sure you'll survive." He sets the plate and teacup down in front of him. "Enjoy." specs looked disgusted. "Eww! The brown edges on this salmon are-''
Sam promptly excused himself before specs could berate him for every last imperfect detail about his breakfast.

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