Soul mates

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That's all he felt.

He knew he was falling, and felt the cold wind rushing past his translucent hands and feet.

Wait... translucent...?

He slowly comes to a stop mid air, looking himself over.

He was a ghost.

Huh, neat.

He slowly descends onto one end of liberty island, where all the madness took place.

He sighs, looking around.

Then he noticed something.

There was someone standing directly at the base, looking up at the spot where the statue's head used to be.

Max stepped closer, then went cold when he realized who it was.


As Max stepped closer, he got a better look at Sam, then realized... he was translucent as well.

But how? He... he thought everyone was out of him when he...

His shoulders slumped.

Guess he was able to save everyone... Except the one he loves the most...

Max slowly walked towards sam.

He didn't seem to know Max was there, still fixated up at the sky.

Was he... looking for him...? Max thought.

He approaches him, tapping him lightly on the shoulder.

Sam jumps, turning around. "Who's the-"

He freezes when he sees max.

The two stared at each other for a few awkward moments.

"M-max...?" Sam says, not much louder than a whisper.

Max smiles and teared up. "Hi..."

Not 3 nanoseconds later max was engulfed in Sam's big arms.

The two embraced, crying and laughing joyously.

"I-i can't believe it's you..." Sam said. "I missed you so much..."

Max sniffles. "I missed you too Sam..." he kisses his cheek gently. "I-i thought I'd never see you again..."

Sam nuzzles him. "Me either bud...."

Max keeps embracing him. "I'm so happy we're together again..."

Sam laughs a bit. "I'm just happy you kept your promise...". Max looked him in the eye. "What promise?" Sam smiled.

"When I die... I'm taking you with me..."

Max's eyes go wide, tearing up again. "S-Sam..." Sam hugs him. "I-i'm sorry..." Max says. Sam strokes his back. "Max, it's did the best you could, and you saved everyone..."

Max cries. "But I couldn't save you..." Sam kissed his head.

"You didn't need to."

Max was confused. "Didn't need to...?"

Sam looks in his eyes. "Max, I love you more than anything or anyone else... and... I wouldn't want to have lived, if you hadn't..."

Max cries more, hugging him. "Oh Sam..." he cries. "I love you too... so, so much..." Sam nuzzles his head. "We both did our best for this world max..." he stands up, gently picking up max. "And now it's time to go..." Max looks up at him. "Go?" Sam nods. "To the next world." max sniffles. "O-okay..." Sam kisses his head again. "It's gonna be okay bud...'' Max buries his face in Sam's shoulder. "Mhm..."

And so, Sam carries Max off into the afterlife, lovingly embracing him all the way.

And so, Sam carries Max off into the afterlife, lovingly embracing him all the way

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