It's for him that I fell

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Thousands of miles below the surface, inside the earth's red-hot core, was hell. The place where supposedly, bad people go to be eternally punished for their sins. Most of the time, human souls take on their afterlife forms of animals or fictional creatures.

One soul, a white rabbit, had been chasing another soul, a brown dog with a suit, for at least seven weeks, because he had a crush on him. However, the dog didn't return these feelings, and always tried to get him to leave him alone.

Eventually the rabbit realized this, and stopped chasing after the dog. But the feelings he had didn't go away.

This leads us to the scene of the fanfic, where the dog and rabbit were sitting next to each other on a cliff above hell flames, as an awkward tension lingers in the air.

"I'm sorry.." Max began. "For what?" Sam replied. "For.. chasing you and... trying to get with you..." Sam nodded. They were silent before Sam asked, "Why did you even like me? I mean there are far more attractive souls to go why me?"

Max thought about it a bit before answering. "I-it's just... I liked you because..." Sam looked at him, awaiting his answer. Max nervously looked up at him. "I- i thought you were someone that I... knew when I was alive..." Sam's gaze softened. "Oh..." he looked back at the flames below him.

Neither of them knew what to say, and the air remained tense. Then Sam spoke.

"Why did you think that?"

Max sighed. "I.. You have the same name as him, so I just... I just... had a feeling..." he puts his hands over his eyes. "I don't even know... I mean he's probably still alive..." Sam nodded. "Yeah...I'm sorry..." "s'okay, Sam, ain't your fault..."

The two fell silent, until Sam spoke again. "So, I have... one more question for you." Max lowers his hands. "Yeah?"

Sam looks him in the eyes. "If you don't mind me asking... how did you... die?" max blinks. "Die?" Sam nods. "Yeah..." Max goes silent and looks away. "You don't have to answer if you don't want-" "I had a heart attack." Sam blinks, looking at him. "Wait... what did you say?" Max looks at him again. "I had a heart attack.

Sam turns to him. "Wow... the same thing happened to a pal of mine..." Max pats his arm. "Sorry to hear that..." he's quiet for a moment. "How did you die?" Sam glances away. "Same day my friend died... on the way home I was so distraught that I couldn't think straight... and I ended up getting in a car wreck..." max gaze saddens. "Oh no..." Sam nods. He then realizes something. "Wait a minute..." he looks to max. "When you were alive, Your last name was Lucen, right? And your best friend's name was parker?!" Max freezes. "H-how do you know that!?"

Sam smiles widely, taking his face and looking deeply in his eyes. "So is mine!"

Max gasps and tears up. "IT IS YOU!" he yells in joy, tackling and hugging sam. Sam hugs back tightly, tearing up as well. The two held each other as close as possible. Sam strokes his back. "Oh max I, I thought I'd never see you again..." Max snuggles him. "Me either Sam...I've missed you so much..." Sam holds him tightly. "You too bud.." the two remain in each other's embrace. "God, I'm so sorry..." Sam says. Max pulls back. "Why...?" Sam looks in his eyes sadly. "I-if i had known it was you..." Max puts a finger to his lips. "Sam, no, don't be sorry... I was being too pushy.." Sam looks down sadly. Max takes his chin and looks in his eyes again, giving a gentle smile. "Hey, don't be sad... we're together again!" Sam smiles a little. "Yeah..." he hugs Max tightly again.

Then Max whisper-mumbles something. "Dyslvmi?" Sam tilts his head. "What was that?" Max looks up at him. "D-do you still love me?" He said it very quietly. Sam smiled gently. "Of course I do." Max smiled brightly as he leaned up to give Sam a big kiss.

As the hell flames burned brightly so did the passion and love between the dog and his rabbity thing. 

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