Lullaby for a lagomorph

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Max sighed, sitting down on the bottom bunk.

He and Sam had just gotten back from a really tough case, they had to chase down and catch a former knife fight champion turned killer, and once they finally caught him, he was way too fast for them and nearly diced them like onions. But, eventually, they managed to catch and chain the guy, tossing him in the slammer on their way back home.

Thankfully, Max hadn't gotten too badly cut up, with a small gash on his left ear and deeper ones on his left arm and right leg, which Sam had used a few washcloths he'd randomly collected earlier to tie around and stop the wounds from bleeding.

Speaking of Sam, the lucky dog had managed to get out of the scuffle with only a few small scratches that didn't even bleed. Max sighed. Perhaps he doesn't give Sam enough credit for his ability to dodge.

And now Max was waiting for Sam to bring the first aid kit and patch him up properly.

As soon as he thought that, there he was. "Hi little buddy." Sam said, walking over with the first aid kit in his hand. "Feel any better?" Max looked up at him. "Meh, kinda the same..." Sam laughed a bit and sat down, setting the box aside. "Okay, gimme your arm." max does.

Sam unties the washcloth from it and examines the wound. "Man, that guy was a freak." he says, opening the box and pulling out some cotton balls and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. "I know right?" Max said. "Any deeper and my arm would have come clean off!" Sam rolls his eyes, taking Max's arm. "Oh hush. You're lucky he only cut you three times." he holds the cotton under the wound and pours peroxide on it, then uses it to gently wipe Max's arm.

Max giggles a little. "That tickles!" Sam smiles. "Sorry!" He keeps cleaning the wound until it's all dry, then puts the bottle and cotton down and reaches in the box again, getting the antibacterial ointment out. He squeezes a small amount onto another cotton ball, then rubs it gently on the wound. Max giggles again. "Do you think we could use ointment as gun oil?" Sam thinks. "Hmm... I guess if we had to we could." Max giggles again, blushing a little. "What's so funny?" Sam asks, raising his eyebrow. "Nothin." Max says with a mischievous grin.

Finally, Sam takes a roll of gauze bandage out of the box and gently wraps maxs arm in it, tying it in a knot to secure it. "There we go." Sam says with a smile. Max looks at his arm. "Feels better already!" he says, grinning. Sam smiles back. "Okay, now your leg."

Sam did the same procedure on Max's leg, and since his ear cut wasn't as bad, Sam was able to just put a bandaid on it after cleaning and putting ointment on it. "There, all fixed." he said, kissing Max's ear. Max smiled. "Thanks sam... you always know what's best for me..." Max said, crawling into Sam's lap.

Sam moved his arm to gently wrap it around Max's waist to keep him from falling off. "I try," he says with a small laugh. Max leans his head on Sam's shoulder, slipping his hand into Sam's free one. Their fingers entwined as Sam started slowly rock back and forth, humming a mellow tune. Max smiled as he listened.

Max remembered this song from when they were younger. On summer evenings, after a long day of getting up to mischief, they liked to sit on the porch and drink lemonade, while this song played from the radio sitting in the window.

Max nuzzled Sam's chest as he started to doze off. "Love ya, sam..." he said with a yawn. Sam stopped humming. "Love you too max." he said, kissing his head.

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