Monster truck Sunday

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"Hey Sam, could you go out in the hallway for a minute?" Max asks. Sam looks at him curiously. "Why?" "uh, no reason!" Max says, a bit nervous. Sam smiles a little. "Okay!" he says, playing along. He gets up off the couch and goes out into the hall, max closing and locking the door behind him. Sam leans against the wall and waits.

After a minute or two, Sam knocks on the door. "Can I come back in now?" "no, no yet!" Max said from inside. Sam sighs and keeps waiting.

After about ten minutes, the door lock clicks and Max says "okay, you can come back in now!" Sam smiles and goes to the door, opening it. "Alright max, what are you up t-" what he saw left him speechless.

There were like 300 cute drawings of him and Max and notes that said stuff like "I love you!" and "you're so gorgeous!" and stuff like that.

And in the center of it all was Max, standing with the biggest smile on his face. "Whaddya think?"

Sam tears up, covering his mouth and smiling widely. "I love it..." he immediately kneels down and opens his arms for a hug, which Max accepts and embraces him. "Hehe, I'm glad!" Sam nuzzles max. "Why on earth did you do all this?" Sam asks sweetly.

"Well... do you remember our first date?" Max asks.

Sam nods. "Yeah, it was in high school, not long after we got together at prom." he smiles as he remembers, it was a week or so after they officially started dating, and he had taken Max to a monster truck show, Which they both loved. (and on a Sunday no less).

"Do you remember what day it was?" Max asks. "Yeah, it was May 1st." "and what's today?" Max asks with a smile. Sam looks at the calendar. "Uh... May fi-"


A big smile made its way across Sam's face as he turned back to max. "Oh, max!" He hugs him again. "Did you do all this just because it's the anniversary of our first date?" max hugs back. "Well, duh."

Sam covers Max's face in kisses, causing him to giggle and squeal. "S-Sam stop it! It tickles! S-Sammy!" Sam does not relent, still peppering Max in smooches until they both get tired and end up laughing.

Sam holds Max's face. "I love you so much you little charmer." max giggles. "I love you too, you sentimental fool." The two then fall into a deep kiss, Max stroking Sam's ears gently. They continued to kiss, enjoying each other as they always did. Eventually they pull back, looking into each other's eyes.

It was the sweet moments like this that they both treasured most.

"Now come on!" Max leaps onto the sofa and grabs the remote, turning the tv on. "There's a monster truck rally playing on tv and it starts in two minutes!" Sam laughs, sitting next to him. "perfect!" 

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