Artery of life

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(art by me) 

"Hahaha! You can never defeat me!" the water wizard said. "I will turn you both into puddles that I can stomp in!" He kept shooting at them with his blaster, which magically transforms living beings into water. Both the freelance police kept dodging the blasts until Max managed to kick the blaster, knocking it out of his hand. "Haha! Gotcha sucka!" Sam smiled. "Good work buddy!"

But as soon as the blaster hit the ground, one final blast came out and was pointed right at Sam. Max noticed, yelling "SAM LOOKOUT!" Sam turned to look, but just as it was about to hit him, Max jumped in front of Sam so the blast hit him instead. The blast turned him into liquid, which splashed into a clear puddle on the ground.

Sam stood there in shock. "M-max..." he teared up. The puddle remained motionless. Sam turned to the villain, fury in his eyes. "You're gonna pay for that..." he said, his voice low and growly. The villain gulped.

As soon as Sam had finished beating the guy to a bloody pulp, he immediately went to collect max. He did this by soaking up the puddle with the sponge he collected earlier and squeezing it into the jar, making sure to get every last drop. He put the jar in his coat and walked out, back to the car.

He didn't know what to do. He wanted to try and bring him back, but he didn't know where to start... he hated that this happened, and kinda wished he had been the one to be shot... then again, Max probably would have just licked him off the floor so...

He eventually arrived at a small river in central park, the "artery of life" as he once called it. He kneels by the river, taking out the jar and staring at it. He tears up, kissing the outside of it. "I'm so sorry max... you gave up everything for me... again..." he opens the jar, some of his teardrops falling into it and mixing with the max puddle liquid. "So long little buddy... I love you..." he slowly pours the liquid into the river, closing his eyes and crying, taking his hat off. A few minutes pass before he hears something strange.


He opens his eyes, but sees nothing. He sighs and closes them again.

"Sam!" this time the voice was louder.

Sam opens his eyes again, looking around and still not seeing anything.

Suddenly the river splashed him. "Down here dummy!"

He looked down to see... max. It was max(Or at least something that looked like him) staring up at him. "M-max...?" he teared up again, looking into the things eyes. "Yeah! It's me!" Sam laughed and cried happily, diving headfirst into the river.

Once he resurfaced, the creature looked him in the eye. "Gee Sam I'm happy to see you too but you don't need to go all titanic on me." examining the max creature, he could see that he was made entirely out of water. He was all blue and slightly transparent.

"Sorry Max, I'm just happy that you're alive..." he reached out and found he was able to touch his face. He felt like Max but wet. Max giggled. "Hehe, thanks! Although maybe I'd be more alive if SOMEONE had avoided getting shot with a water blaster.'' Sam grimaced. "Ah... yeah... sorry about that!" the two waded over to the riverbank.

"So apparently, me being a water spirit now, means i have to be in water at all times or I just puddle again. Or at least a part of me does." Max said with his feet in the water. "aha." Sam put an arm around him. "Listen... I really am sorry about what happened..." Max nuzzled him. "It's okay Sam, it wasn't your fault.." the two sat in silence.

"So... how are we gonna get you back home? You could probably stay in the bathtub until we can get your semi physical form back..." max thinks. "Say, do you still have that jar?" he said, getting back in the water. Sam nods and gets it out. "Open it and put it in the water again." Sam does so. Max manages to shove himself in it and Sam closes the lid, looking at it. He could see Max's little face in it, smiling. "Cute.."

When they got back to the office Sam immediately went to fill the bathtub up, pouring max into it. Max pops up again. "Thank you Sam! This feels much better!" Sam pets his head. "No problem buddy!" Max thinks again. "I wonder if we kissed while I'm like this it would rinse your mouth out." Sam giggled. "Only one way to find out!"

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