Look to the past to see the future

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(art by me)

 It is the 90s and Sam and Max are in high school. The assignment was to write a short paragraph about what job you wanted as an adult and then read it in front of the class. The teacher called time and then asked for a volunteer to go first. Sam raised his hand, the teacher called on him and he went to the front of the class. "So Sam, what career do you want to pursue?" Sam smiled. "I want to be a detective." the teacher nodded. "Interesting choice. What makes you want to be a detective?" Sam explained that he thought being a detective would be fun and exciting. "I have read a lot of detective novels, they're my favorites, and I think it will be really cool." the teacher nodded. "Very good sam." He got a small round of applause and went to sit back down. "Who's next?" She looked around the room and saw that Max wasn't paying attention and was playing with the tassels on his hooded sweatshirt. "Maxwell?" Max's ears perked up. "How about you go next?" Max nodded, taking his wrinkled paper and coming to the front of the class. "Okay max, what job do you want?" Max smiled and looked at her. "I'm gonna be president!" the teacher along with a few students giggled. She had gotten used to Max's ridiculous answers. "And why do you want to be president?" Max looked to the class. "I mean who doesn't want to be president?" a few of the shyer kids slowly raised their hands. Max giggled. "Well don't worry, you guys won't have to be president, because I know that I'm gonna be!" Sam slowly raised his hand. The teacher looked at him. "Yes Sam?" "I'll vote for you little buddy!" he answered with a smile. Max blushed a little bit. "Oh Sam, you flatterer." the teacher looked to max. "Very interesting choice max, thank you!" the students clapped, and Max took a little bow, then went to sit back down.

On that day, after school, they went to lie on a hillside, watching the clouds and talking about nothing in particular, when Max suddenly asked, "Hey Sam?" Sam looked over. "Yeah?" Max looked at him. "If you have kids in the future, what will their names be?" Sam looked to the sky, thinking about his answer. "Well if I have a son, I'm gonna name him 'Sam Jr.'" He answered, "Really? That's so boring Sam!" Sam frowned. "Hey." Max said. "If I had a kid I would name him something cool like 'laser storm' or 'blade hunter'!" Sam laughed. "And what if it was a girl?" Max thinks. "Stella." Sam looks at him. "Stella?" Max nodded. "Steel for short." Sam laughs. "You're sure gonna be an interesting dad." Max nods. "And you're gonna be a boring dad." Sam rolls his eyes. "With any luck, Sam Jr and Blade-storm will be best pals, just like we are!" Max nods. "They'll have to be if we stay pals." Sam nods. "Yeah." max scoots closer. "Maybe they'll even follow in our footsteps and become the next great detective and president!" Sam smiles. "We can only dream." 

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