11: Happy Halloween

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"Boo, you're boring

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"Boo, you're boring." Sierra whines once she catches sight of Briella and Marnie, who were both dressed incredibly safe. While the others were dressed as though they were actually going to a rave.

Briella glanced down at the dress, which wasn't even her own, it was Allison's dress, "Be glad I'm wearing something that the light will catch. I would be wearing black if I could."

"I tried." Marnie mumbles as she tugs at the bottom of her shirt. She was in fact wearing neon colors but it was just a normal shirt and shorts.

"Look at Zelda-" Sierra points over at the young teen as she silently painted her face, "She did that."

"It's basically underwear and mesh."

"I think I look hot."

Briella rolled her eyes as Sandy started to paint on Marnie, "I didn't say you didn't. I'm just saying it's not like there's a lot of effort anyway."

"Wow!" Zelda finished her face paint and moved over to her, "Let me paint you somewhere."


"You were just mean to me." Zelda pouted, "Make it up to me."

Sierra was letting Ronald paint her, "Briella, at least put some paint on you, it'll be fun."

Briella lifted the bottom of her dress, "Fine, just my leg or something."


Sierra got up from her spot and spun around with her outfit on, "Look at me! I'm so fucking hot."

Briella ran her hand down her face as people started to flood into the loft, "Oh, my God, this is going to be a fucking nightmare."

"It looks like fun!" Sandy says with a huge smile on her face. She turned to Briella and immediately the smile faltered slightly. She wanted to have fun with her friends like before but it was hard to not tell Briella everything.

Ronald stood up and flexed his muscles, "Okay, but let's talk about how ripped I've become."

Zelda leaned back from painting Briella, "Actually, let's talk about ridiculously ripped a lot of people are in this town. Especially teenagers. It's crazy."

"Well, this town isn't exactly normal." Briella stood up and slid her shoes back on before glancing at her leg, "How long do parties normally last?"

"Briella, it's Halloween, expect people to be here for a while."

The DJ started up the music as more people arrived at the loft for the party. Ethan immediately walked over to Ronald and started to tug him out to the dance floor.

"Are you happy?"

Ronald gave Ethan a kiss, "Very."

"Good." Ethan breathes out, "Do you think that Scott will eventually accept us?"

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