17: Not my texts

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Briella was happy to be in the house by herself, Mister and Mrs

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Briella was happy to be in the house by herself, Mister and Mrs. Whittemore were hardly ever around; which explained Jackson's terrible behavior. But now she was completely alone in the house. Jackson went out somewhere with Lydia- probably another double date with Scott and Allison.

Which made her wonder how her friends were currently doing. Almost on cue, her phone buzzed beside her. Briella only saw Scott's ID on the top and scrunched her brows in confusion. Lifting it up, she read over the text message.

Can you meet us at the high school?

Blinking her eyes a few times, Briella wasn't even sure she wanted to go. That was not enough information to even make her want to go. So she sent a quick text to him.


Briella set her phone down and continued with her work- a few books were scrawled out in front of her. She then paused and read the titles of the books. She didn't remember getting any of these. She picked one of them up but before she could open it her phone went off again.

Zelda is in trouble.

That was all Briella needed to read to get off her ass and grab her shoes. She didn't exactly have a car to get to the school, but she was sure there was a bike in the garage. Briella hadn't rode a bike in a while so this was going to be fun.


Ronald and Zelda didn't release each other's hands while they ran. But as soon as they reached the door, they were halted by something heavy on the other side. Pushing a few more times, Scott poked his head out through the small crack.

"It's a dumpster."

"A dumpster?!" Zelda repeats, finally letting go of Ronald's hand to look out the door as well, "What the hell?"

"He pushed it in front of the door to block us on." Stiles gapes as panic began to officially set in, "Come on, help me-"

"Stop!" Ronald grabbed onto Stiles' arm, "You're making too much noise."

"I'm not dying here." Stiles states as he whips around and grabs hold of Ronald, "I'm not dying at school."

"We're not going to die." Scott nods his head, basically telling them to back track to another exit they could take.

"God-" Stiles released Ron to grab hold of his own head, "What is he doing? What does he want?"

"Me and Zelda." Scott answers for him, "Derek says it's stronger with a pack."

"Oh, great." Stiles broke out in sarcasm, "A psychotic werewolf who's into teen work. That's-that's beautiful."

"In a very terrifying way." Ronald adds in which makes Stiles nod his head and point to him.

Scott completely stopped in the center of the hall, which made the other look back at him. His eyes slowly shifted to something outside of the window, he stepped back a bit. Zelda followed his gaze and gasped. She took hold of Ronald's hand and started to run. She knew she didn't have to instruct anyone to run because just after they started the Alpha crashed through the windows after them.

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