9: The color orange

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Zelda kept tapping her foot on the ground as she looked over at Isaac, "Stop

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Zelda kept tapping her foot on the ground as she looked over at Isaac, "Stop. I can literally feel your emotions radiating off of you."

Scott understood where this feeling was coming from but he couldn't let Isaac do something rash, "They're here for a reason. Give me a chance to figure it out before you do anything. Okay?"

Zelda waited for his response but he didn't say anything, "Isaac?"

"Danny-" Mr. Harris calls on him, "What do we know about momentum?"

"It's the product of mass and velocity. The more massive something is, the faster it's going."

Isaac suddenly cuts Danny off, "Mr. Harris, can I use the bathroom, please?"

Scott stood up abruptly, "I have to go to the bathroom too."

"One at a time."

"But I really have to go." Scott says quickly, shaking a little bit to further prove his point, "Like, medical emergency have to go."

"Mr. McCall, if your bladder suddenly exploded and urine began to pour from every orifice, I would still respond, one at a time. Is that enough hyperbole for you, or would you like me to come up with something more vivid?"

"No." Scott sighs and sits back down in his seat, "No. That's pretty good."

Zelda tapped her foot on the ground before looking at the wall, she could hear something happening from the other side, "Can I go?"

"Ms. Mott, what did I just say to Mr. McCall?"

Zelda tried to remember the excuse Briella told her to use whenever a teacher wouldn't let her go. She needed to remember it because something bad was happening outside of this classroom. She bit down on her lip before spouting, "UTI!" She saw the look that appeared on his face, "You forcing me to hold it in can cause me to get a UTI especially since I-I'm on my period. And I don't think that this is going to make the school happy if my family files a lawsuit for something like that."

Mr. Harris' jaw tensed up at her words before he pointed to the door, "Go then. Make it quick."

Zelda scrambled up from her seat and opened the classroom door only to see one of the twins throw the other towards Isaac, "What the-"

Mr. Harris followed her out because of the commotion, which caused other students to pile out as well, "What is this? What's going on?"

A student knelt down next to Ethan, "You all right?"

"Uh, he just-" Ethan spat the blood from his mouth, "He just came right at me."

Mr. Harris shot him a look, "Isaac, what the hell did you do?"


Briella needed to learn how to drive because the fact that she was irritated enough to walk all the way to Derek's place was ridiculous. She didn't even understand why she was going to confront him. Maybe because she didn't like the idea that he was paying for someone else to take care of her. Which shouldn't even irritate her at all. Now that she was there in the building going up the elevator, Briella just realized that there was no reason for her to be mad or upset. And now she even regretted leaving campus because she was just complaining about having a bad attendance record. She jumped at the sound of something breaking in his loft and then heard a loud growl. Without thinking she started to run down the hallway.

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