9: The Test

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Zelda followed closely behind Briella, who finally informed them of everything on her mind

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Zelda followed closely behind Briella, who finally informed them of everything on her mind. She looked to Ronald, then back to Briella, then back to Ronald, then back to Briella. They were all walking to their next class together, "So, wait... Derek kissed you?"

"No, I think what Briella said was she kissed him." Ronald corrects, still rather confused with it as well.

"But, wait-" Zelda scratched the back of her head, "You hate him. Like you made that clear. You do not like Derek. Like at all... Right?"

"Could you two shut up?"

"No." Ronald states firmly, "Absolutely not. The last time you kept things in you almost drowned in a pool because you were having a panic attack. So, just answer the question. Do you hate Derek? And keep in mind Zelda can tell if you're lying."

"I don't like him."

Zelda grumbled, "Okay, fine, do you like him?"

"I don't hate him." Was her rather vague answer.

"No, that's not good enough. That's like being in the middle." Ronald complains, "How can you be in the middle with something like this? Like... You either like him or don't like him. No in between."

"Exactly. You either wanna fuck or you don't."

Briella shut her eyes and sighed loudly, "I like and don't like him. Okay?"

"Can you elaborate... like a little bit?"

"Elaborate how?" Briella demands as she grows exhausted of this conversation, "I am just as confused as you. And I don't know if I'm confused because of the imprinting or not? Cause... how do I know that the only reason why I like him is because of that? Maybe that's why my brain is trying to get me to hate him."

"You know you could always just... ask him." Ronald suggested when he noticed Gerard down the hall, he waved and then looked at Briella, "Uh... By the way, you need to convince the Whittemore's to adopt you."

Briella wanted to respond to what he first said but grew distracted by the second, "Uh... Why?"

"Because we're pretty sure that Gerard is going to try and adopt you."

"Are you kidding me? Why?"

"Honestly, I think it's because you're like... smart and maybe he sees a promising hunter."

Briella released a nervous laugh and stopped at her classroom, which was different from theirs, "Yeah, that's not going to happen. I can't even wield a stick."

"But you did tae-"

"Shut up." Briella interrupted and then quickly went into her classroom.

Ronald blinked his eyes a few times, "I like how she always denies that she did TaeKwonDo to us when we've seen her bo staff."

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