10: Black Light Party?

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Ronald sat up as soon as they were gone, he could hear Allison and Chris banging on the door

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Ronald sat up as soon as they were gone, he could hear Allison and Chris banging on the door. He forced himself up and for the first time in a while he didn't feel like he had a fever. So he walked to the door and opened it up. "I'm okay-"

Chris immediately grabbed his kid by his face and checked him over, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I think being a phoenix helped, but Isaac-"

Allison gasps at the sight of him on the floor, she rushed to his side, "Isaac! He's freezing. Dad, he's like ice."

"Isaac-" Chris dropped to the ground and rolled him over, "Look at me. Isaac."

"What's happening to him?" Allison's voice shook, her head whipped up to look at Ronald, "What happened?"

"One thing at a time." Chris urgently informed his kids before he slapped Isaac, "Isaac, come on. Isaac, listen. You have to turn. Look at me-" He slapped him again, "You need to trigger it. Come on. Turn! Turn!"

Isaac's eyes glowed the bright gold before he immediately scurried away from them with tears staining his face, "Did you see them?"


Ronald rubbed his arm, "There were five of them. They all wore black and... I couldn't really see their faces. They were covered by masks."

"One of them..." Isaac whispers as he remembered, "I could see his eyes. They were greenish-yellow. Like a... like a firefly."

"Security system wasn't triggered."

"They didn't get in through doors or windows." Ronald could feel his body warming up again, only making his body feel fatigued, "It was like they came out of the shadows."

Chris stepped away from them, which caused Allison to look, "Do you know what that means? Dad?"

"Uh... I'm not sure. Listen, the three of you... I need you to keep this quiet for a few hours."

"What?" Ronald was beyond baffled by this, "From everyone?"

"Just for twenty-four hours."

Allison stood up and allowed Ronald to stay with Isaac on the floor, "They could have killed them, Dad."

"But they didn't." Chris stared out the window momentarily, "And I think I know the reason why. I think they might have been after me."


"So when did you get there?"

Scott, Stiles, Kira, Zelda, Briella, and Lydia were all seated in the Sheriff's office as Agent McCal questioned them over the events of what had happened.

"At the same time."

Agent McCall stared at Stiles, "At the same time as who?"

"At the same time as me." Scott chimes in.

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