1: Out of the loop

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Sandy tossed in her bed with a long groan

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Sandy tossed in her bed with a long groan. She was not used to living in Beacon Hills at all. They weren't really given much explanation other than they were now going to some high school. Well, Sandy was given a job at the high school as Coach's assistant. Though, she asked if she could be the water polo coach. It did feel freeing to be going out and about but they didn't know anyone there. Apparently it was about the end of August by the time they had arrived here in Beacon Hills. But it was about October by now. She knew Halloween was coming up soon, that was all she basically knew. Sierra and Marnie clung to each other, while Sandy felt like she was almost hovering. Like there was a distinct line crossed between her and everyone else. She was even avoiding Briella. And it wasn't even for their fight. She couldn't give a damn about their fight anymore.

She just couldn't look Briella in the eyes and not tell her what happened to her dad. Sandy even had the teddy bear still with her. She didn't know what else to do with it other than keep the dang thing. At least until she knew that it was okay to even bring up Briella's father around her, but it wasn't like anyone was telling her to or not. It was like they just forgot. Even Marnie and Sierra. They already seemed to get comfortable with their living situation.

According to Ronald, this was the best they could do to figure everything out. Sierra lived with the McCalls, meaning she got to be around Zelda all of the time. This was only agreed upon by Melissa because she knew that the kids needed a place to live and she had been willing to house two before. So the extra was no problem, especially with Scott's father being around more often. And Marnie was with the Martin family. Sandy didn't really know well, other than that some redheaded girl was the daughter of the woman housing Marnie.

While Sandy was being housed by Sheriff Stilinski because Briella was being sponsored by the Hale family. She was living alone in some apartment. This did leave Sandy and Stiles around each other a lot. Which meant she was kind of comfortable with him. But not enough. She liked Stiles enough for how long she got to know him. She adored Sheriff Stilinski a lot, he was a very kind man and she wished she grew up with a father like that. She had about a month or so to get to know the two Stilinskis. She liked this family. And she knew they'd like her too if she'd at least be willing to actually get to know them more.

She definitely boxed herself up because she didn't know what to do with how she was acting. Sandy knew that Stiles and Sheriff Stilinski already knew her friends. Which already made her believe that Stiles was a good friend with Briella. And she could only assume that the rumor of her and Briella having a fight was spread through them all with her appearance. So this only made her incredibly nervous. She wanted to be friends with all of these people. So bad, but the anxiety of thinking they already hated her scared her so much.

Eventually, Sandy just sat up in the bed. She looked around. It was still decorated by the last inhabitant. Which happened to be Briella. So it was decorated in a way that reminded her of Briella. Pulling out the teddy bear from her bag, she pulled herself back up onto the bed to hold it in her arms. She felt like she had no one, but she so badly wanted her friends. But they must hate her. It was Briella. They had to side with Briella.

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