In the midst of a world wide pandemic, three best friends decide that they'll break the quarantine just once because they missed one another. After all, nothing bad could happen in just one night? All they wanted to do was hang out, maybe binge a sh...
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Lydia gave a confused look to everyone, "If we're doing a study group, why didn't we just stay in the library?"
Stiles glanced at Zelda before saying, "Because we're meeting up with somebody else."
"Hmm, well, why don't they just meet us in the library?"
Ronald's smile tightened, "Oh, that would've been a great idea. Too late."
"Okay, hold on-"
Jackson released a low groan and grabbed her arm, "Lydia, shut up and walk."
Zelda walked at the end of the group with Stiles, she stopped him right before they got to the parking lot, "I won't fit in Jackson's Porsche so I'm going to ride my bike. I know I can get to Scott's in time on the bike. Just... Keep safe and make sure that Derek isn't following you guys."
Stiles nodded his head in understanding, "Yeah, I know. Ronald sent a text to Briella to keep Derek busy until we get Lydia away from the school."
"I hope she'll be okay." Zelda whispers when grabbing onto her bike, "See you in a few minutes, okay?"
"Okay, see you-" Almost as if it were on instinct, Stiles gave her a quick peck on the lips and ran off to meet with the others.
Zelda blinked a few times and just tilted her head in pure confusion. But when it hit her what had just happened, her face grew so warm and hot that she was certain her skin resembled that of a tomato. Both of her palms were against her cheeks and all she did was breathe out and get on her bike.
Stiles hopped into the Porsche and noticed they were all staring at him with dumbfounded faces.
Jackson backed out of his parking spot and didn't say anything. Even Lydia and Allison were quiet until Ronald bluntly demanded, "Are you dating Zelda?"
"What?" Stiles questions in confusion, "No, why would you think-" He cuts himself off as it hits him, "Oh, my God!" He connected eyes with Ronald, widening even more, "Oh, my God!"
Ronald just stared at him, not even sure what to say himself, "Dude, stop screaming."
"I kissed Zelda!" Stiles yelps, still rather freaked out by what he had done.
Allison just slowly nodded her head, "You did..." She glanced at the others in the car, "Are you okay?"
"Am I okay?" Stiles repeated, his pale skin was flushed with a light pink. He was beyond flustered with himself, "Am I okay? No! Allison! I am not okay! I just kissed my friend! On the lips! How-How am I supposed to get myself out of this and explain to her-"
He completely stopped his sarcastic ramble because he didn't know to finish. Stiles was beyond flabbergasted.
Ronald shifted in his seat, mainly because he was in the back with Lydia and Allison in Jackson's small ass car, "So... Like... what exactly does this mean for you two?"