1.2 Closer

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I waited with my family to enter the cafeteria

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I waited with my family to enter the cafeteria. I growled as I was over this. Why did we need to make an entrance? What because some new bitch is here? I sighed as Alice said it was time to head in? I walk in after Alice and Jasper.

"Who is she?" I hear the new girl ask. I roll my eyes as I walk over to my brother and sister in-law.

"That is Madalynn Cullen! Emmett's twin sister. Total bitch but every guy wants to be with her and every girl wants to be her. I mean look at her, she is gorgeous and so talented." Jessica says, making me smile as I sit down next to my brother.

"Total bitch huh? Is that what you are now? And here I thought you were just my baby sister, all sweet and innocent!" My brother asks as I growl at him.

"Rose? What is the plan for after we leave this hell hold?" I ask without even bothering to answer my brother. I hear him huff and I know I am pissing him off. Rosalie looks between me and my brother.

"Mads?" He says in a stern voice as Edward joins us.

"I can't read her mind!" Edward says as he looks at me. I roll my eyes at him and the rest of our family. I close my eyes and focus on the new student.

"What are... How are they... She is way... He is... Damn he is hot!" Her mind says. I sigh as I stare out of the window.

"I got a little bit but nothing that will let us know what she is really thinking." I say as they all look over at her. I roll my eyes as I know she will be watching Edward like a stocker. "But I can tell you she wants Edward to be balls deep inside of her!" I say, making my brother laugh and Edward glare.

"Madalynn!" Edward growls at me. Making me laugh as he is now embarrassed.

"It's not my fault she is a horny teenager and for some weird reason she thinks you are hot as hell. When all I see is a grumpy asshole with a stick up his ass!" I say, making Edward growl as everyone else laughs. We sat and talked for the rest of lunch. Well I only talked to Rosalie after that. The rest of the day went as it normally goes. I was waiting for my brother and the rest of our family to come out so we could go home.

I was talking with Rose as Alice and Jasper came out. I growled as my brother who is normally out right after me was still not here. I wanted to go hunt and he was cutting into my time. Emmett and Edward finally walk out of the school. I watch as Edward looks at the new chick's truck. Well more like glares at it.

"Did something else get shoved up your ass?" I ask as Edward growls at me. Emmett moves me behind him.

"Watch it Edward!" Emmett says as Roaslie moves next to me.

"Can she not protect herself? Does she need her big brother to protect her?" Edward asks as I hiss at him and Emmett growls.

"You know she can protect herself. I am only standing in front of her so she does not kill you." Emmett says as I open my mind to Edward. He flinches as he reads my mind. "Now what is your problem?" He asks as we all stand waiting for an answer.

"Bella is my blood singer! I almost killed her in class." He says, making me laugh.

"So kill her and be done with it." I say as Emmett turns and glares at me.

"Rose, take Mads and Alice home." He says as I roll my eyes at him.

"Buzz kill! FYI Eddie boy... When I killed my blood singer it was the best thing in the world. The taste of their blood was havenly! As you ever well know yourself!" I say before climbing into my brother's Jeep.

 The taste of their blood was havenly! As you ever well know yourself!" I say before climbing into my brother's Jeep

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Felix and I left for northern Canada. I was annoyed that no one seemed to remember any new people coming around in the last month. That was until I heard a man talking about the beauty that was her about two weeks ago. I nodded at Felix as we moved to sit with this man.

"Come on Tom, there is now way you are the only one to see this beauty of a woman." One man says as he walks away from this Tom guy.

"I swear... She was like an angel." Tom says as I smile at Felix.

"We would love to hear about this angel!" I say as Felix nods his head in agreement.

"Really!" Tom says as we both nod our heads. "OK! Well she was here about three weeks ago and she reminded me of the story of Snow White. You know... Skin white as snow and all that." He says as I smile at him.

"Do you know why she was here?" Felix asks as Tom shakes his head.

"NO! I saw her talking to Mario the town freak. He sparkles in the sun! She was walking away from him when he grabbed her and then he started to scream. Almost like she set him on fire. She looked scared and then she was gone." Tom says as I share a smile at Felix. Looks like we have found our little copycat. "She was gone in a flash, It was so weird." He says as I look at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask as Felix looks at the bar girl and smiles at her.

"I mean Mario and her were here and then he was gone and so was she. Like he just, up and left. And I have never seen her since then." Tom says as I nod my head at him.

"Well thank you Tom!" Felix says as he gets up and walks over to the bar girl.

"Yes! Thank you!" I say as I leave Tom as well. I need to find a meal to hold me over for the time being. Felix and the bar girl talk. I walked out and saw a few drunk girls. One was on the phone yelling at someone as her friends were ahead of her. I smiled as she had her back to them and did not see them go into another bar. I quickly hid in the shadows.

I smiled as she walked down the same alley I was in. As she passed me I smiled as I stood right behind her. I covered her mouth so her screams wouldn't be heard. She was a sweet little thing. I drained her body and threw her into the dumpster and covered her body with trash. I walk about to the hotel ready to move on and find this beauty that Tom had to us about.

"So the women Tom spoke about. You think she is the one we are looking for?" Felix asks as I smile at him.

"Yes! I do and I for one can not wait to see this beauty up close and personal." I say as Felix chuckles at me.

"So where do we go from here?" He asks as I sigh, not really knowing the answer.

"The closest coven to this place is the Cullen's. Though I hate to go there..." I say as I look at felix.

"You thinking she might be one of the Cullen's?" Felix asks. I knew she was. But what I didn't understand was why I wanted to go there so badly. It's like I was being pulled and I didn't like it. I really hated to go anywhere near the mind reader.

"I don't know it is just a feeling but I think she is!" I say as Felix looks at me questionable.  

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