3.11 Only one left

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	I was annoyed when we found the Cullen's and the human, all standing

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I was annoyed when we found the Cullen's and the human, all standing. Madalynn chuckled as she looked at the newborn behind them. Edward glared and tried to hold on to his mate. Who was pulling away from him. I listened as Jane and the Cullens did the whole back and forth. The mind reader kept looking at Madalynn but she didn't look at any of them. She was focused on the newborn. "Do I scare you little one?" Madalynn asked and the newborn nodded her head.

"Yes! I have seen what you can do!" She said and Madalynn sighed.

"Shame!" She said as Jane rolled her eyes. Madalynn stood next to me waiting for the right moment to save the newborn.

"Felix!" Jane said and Madalynn frowned. But she was behind the newborn before Felix could take a step towards her.

"Sorry... But this one is mine! Call it repayment!" She said and the newborn vanished in a cloud of smoke.

"You didn't need to kill her? We would have taken care of her." Carlisle said, making me and Madalynn scoff at him.

"I didn't! And I wouldn't trust you to take care of a baby doll. Let alone a young vampire with her gift." Madalynn hissed. As she walked over to me. Edward watched her as she moved; it was like he was trying to read her mind but couldn't get the right channel.

"Then where is she?" Her brother asked and she smirked. If only he knew that she just saved her from not only them but from the Volturi as well.

"Away from the likes of this coven that would only use her for her gifts. Much like they did me." She said and I smirked at the mind reader as he sighed and looked at his mate.

"Let go of me!" Emma yelled, pulling her arm away from the mind reader.

"Emma?" The mind reader growled. Trying to grab her arm again. But she backed away from him.

"Back off! You may be my mate but you do not control me." She said as she stepped away from him. "Wherever you sent her... I want to go too." Emma said and I nodded my head at Madalynn.

"Emma?" The mind reader said, sounding hurt. The human looked annoyed at her but then smiled.

"OK!" Madalynn said as she stepped away from me. The mind read stepped in front of Emma.

"NO!" He said as his mate growled at him. Making Madalynn smirk. "Madalynn, please don't take my mate. I won't live without her." He said as Madalynn now showed her teeth.

"Move Edward... It is not up to you! God I am so tired of coming in second to this thing." Emma said as she pushed Edward away from her. He looked at her hurt as she walked over to Madalynn.

"Please don't do this, Emma. I know this isn't how you wanted things to go... But please don't leave me. I love you so much." He pleaded with her. She rolled her eyes at him. Madalynn held out her hand.

'If you loved me... Then she wouldn't have come before. You would have let him handle all of this." Emma said as she looked at the human in disgust before looking at Madalynn.

"Don't worry it won't hurt!" Madalynn said as Emma took her hand. And like that Emma was gone. Madalynn turned to Edward as he fell to his knees. The human went running to him.

"Edward..." The human whined as she tried to help him up. But he wouldn't move.

"Mads..." Her brother said as he moved closer to her. Making me bare my teeth at him. "What did you do?" He asked as Madalynn smiled.

"I sent them to my house. They are both safe and unharmed." Madalynn said with a smile. "And away from them!" Madalynn said as she nodded her head towards the Cullen Clan.

"It will be ok, Edward, you still have me. You don't need her. You have me." The human said as the mind reader pushed her away from him.

"I don't want you! I want my mate." The mind reader yelled. Making the human back away from him.

I smiled as Edward finally made it known that he wanted his true mate

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I smiled as Edward finally made it known that he wanted his true mate. I watched as Bella stepped back from Edward. I blocked out the Volturi and the Cullens. I looked at my brother. "You got the wolves involved in this? Are you all really that stupid?" I asked as my brother sighed and shook his head.

"One of them claimed to have imprinted on her. We didn't want any of this to happen." He said, nodding his head at Bella. I scoffed but I knew which one. The one that was the rightful Alpha.

"But it did. And it is his fault. Why is she still clinging to him like her life depends on it?" I asked as he laughed.

"She doesn't want to get old. She is still hoping that he would choose her over Emma. He hasn't. But that didn't stop her from making Emma feel like she was always second." He said and now it was my turn to scoff.

"Of course she doesn't. And that doesn't surprise me one bit. She doesn't seem like the kind of girl that likes to be ignored." I said, making my brother nod his head.

"I miss you Mads. You look good." He said and I smiled at him.

"I miss you too." I said as he pulled me into a hug. "But we will never be like we were!" I whispered, making him hold me a little tighter. "Good bye, Emmett." I said before leaving his arms.

"Don't do this Mads... We can do better. I can do better." He said as I shook my head.

"It's too late. The damage is done. And there is no way you or any of them will ever be able to fix what you all did to me or to Emma." I said before walking back over to Demetri. He took my hand in his.

"Madalynn... Why?" Edward asked as he looked over at us.

"Because you don't deserve her." Demetri said looking pissed. "Your mate should have come before this human!" He said looking at Bella in disgust. "Now we have two new members to welcome into our coven." He said as I smiled at him.

"Your coven?" Carlisle asked as everyone looked confused but Jane, Alec and Felix.

"Yes, our coven. Mine and Madalynn's coven. See while you have been protecting this human I have been stepping away from the Volturi wanting nothing more than to be with my mate and live a life that I choose." He said before squeezing my hand. And like that we were gone.

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