3.9 Fighting with yourself

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	I knew Madalynn was figuring out that I was hiding something from her

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I knew Madalynn was figuring out that I was hiding something from her. I didn't know how to talk to her about what Aro had talked to me about. He wants her to be a part of the coven. And he didn't care how it was done but that when we got back that if she didn't agree to be a part of the Volturi that she would no longer be welcome in the castle. Now he didn't say anything about making her a guard member. But I knew he wanted her to be. Her gifts would make sure no one could ever overthrow them.

I watched as she looked at the pile of ash. "Some just think they are powerful. While others just wish to be normal." She said as I looked at her confused, but then understood what she meant. I knew she hated her powers. I took her hand in mine and brought it to my lips.

"You need to hunt." I said as she nodded her head at me. She hadn't looked at me and I hated it.

"How do you hunt? I have always wondered!" Felix asked as Madalynn moved away from me. She stood still and closed her eyes. Within a minute she was gone. I chuckled as we followed and she had a deer on the ground and was feeding off of it.

"They aren't the best. But they do." She said as she cleaned the blood away from her mouth.

"What is your favorite?" Alec asked, causing Madalynn to smile.

"Bears... They put up more of a fight." She said with a chuckle that faded all too fast. She turned to look out in the distance. She sighed again and I knew where she was looking. I walked up to her and pulled her into my arms. When I looked at her face it wasn't a frown but a glare. "Edward is blaming us for the newborns being in Seattle." She said as this pissed us all off.

I was made to sit in the hotel room while they went to watch the newborns kill and destroy Seattle

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I was made to sit in the hotel room while they went to watch the newborns kill and destroy Seattle. I grew pissed as I was made to hide again. I decided that it was time I confronted my brother and his coven. I ran to the training ground. I watched as they fought. The wolves looked like they were ready to jump in and fight.

When the play fight was over I clapped my hands. "Now that was a show. Too bad... it won't be one on one." I said as I jumped down from the tree. Everyone looked at me shocked. "They will all be gunning for Bella. And one of them will get to her. And kill her. Can say I won't be pleased with that." I said as Emma ran over to me and hugged me.

"Oh I have missed you." She said as Edward looked annoyed, making me smirk at him.

"It is good to see you too." I said, making Bella glare at me. She stayed close to Edward.

"I have so much to talk to you about." Emma said as she linked arms with me.

"It is none of her business!" Edward growled out, making Emma scoff at him.

"Whatever Edward! Why don't you go and play with your whore!" Emma said, making Edward look at her hurt. Bella grabbed his hand but he pulled it away from her. "Anyways... Let's go hunt and I will tell you what has been going on!" She said as I smirked at her and then Edward. Edward moved to follow but I made it so he was stuck to the ground. I chuckled when I heard him growl. I nodded at Sam who nodded back at me. I stopped in front of another wolf. I cocked my eyebrow at him.

"It is sad when a true alpha can't even protect his pack from a noisy human." I said and he growled at me. "Watch it pup... I'm more powerful than this whole lot put together." I said as he looked at me shocked. He looked at Sam who was growling at him. He flinched back from me. I smirked as Emma and I continued to walk away. Bella ran up to us.

"I am coming with you!" She said as I laughed at that.

"Please... She can't be... For fuck sakes she is!" I said as Emma gave me the 'yeah she is' look.

"Well Bella if you think you can keep up?" I said as I smiled at Emma who was giving me 'a what the fuck' look until she smiled at me. I took Emma's hand and ran. I heard Bella huff as I knew she would never be able to keep up with us as we ran. Emma let out the happiest laugh.

"You know, I am going to be yelled at when I go back." She said as we sat down by a river.

"Then don't go back." I said as she sighed at me. "Don't let him gilut you into staying with him if he is only going to go back to being with the human." I said and she nodded her head.

"I hate all of them. They are not good people." She said and I nodded my head.

"Oh, I know." I said as we just sat for a little bit.

"I keep fighting with myself about leaving. I know I am his mate but it doesn't seem like he wants to be with me." She said and I frowned at her. I didn't like that she felt that way. She shouldn't have to fight for her mate.

"Then maybe he isn't your true mate!" I said and she looked at me confused. "Maybe he is what leads you to your true mate." I said and she looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Has that ever happened before?" She asked as I shrugged my shoulders at her.

"Who knows but if we have learned anything in this world, anything is possible." I said, making her smile at me.

Yeah maybe you're right. She said as we sat and just talked.

 She said as we sat and just talked

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I was so excited to see my sister. She looked great, healthy. Rosalie was sad when she and Emma ran off. I sighed as I was also hurt that she didn't even say a word to me. Not even a Hello. Edward looked pissed that they just left. Him and Emma have been having their problems as Bella keeps wiggling her way in between them. Alice looked hurt that Madalynn didn't even acknowledge any of us.

"She hates us." Jasper said once we walked into the house. I growled at him.

"I don't blame her for hating us. Look at everything we had done to her." Rosalie said as she glared at Alice. "And all because of Alice." She said, with a hiss. I nodded my head.

"Please, she thinks she is better than me." Bella said as I glared at her.

"That is because she is. Better than you. And she always will be." I said before walking away. I heard her gasp at me.

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