4.7 Something is wrong

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I stood at the back window looking at the storm that was headed our way

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I stood at the back window looking at the storm that was headed our way. Dark clouds rolled over the water just off our home. It was like the storm was coming for all of us who found our rightful mates and wanted to take them away. But I knew none of us would give up our new family. It was fun how I thought of this house, as my home. These people as, my family. When I never felt that way with Edward or his coven. It was cold and dark like the storm that was headed our way.

It made more scenes now that I had Felix. Felix, my strong and loving mate. He made me whole, made me feel wanted and loved. How did we not feel it? How could they do that to two people that just wanted love and to be loved in return. Madalynn was right. Edward wasn't my mate. He was just using me to keep Bella safe. They had played with my feelings. I hated them even more now.

"My sweet?" Felix asked from the couch. I turned to see him and Alec looking at me concerned and confused as Bree was placing her book down. "What is wrong? My love? You seem off today," He asked and I just looked at him. I wasn't sure how to describe what was going on.

"Something is coming." I said and I tried to figure out the feelings I was having. They all looked at me confused before Bree decided to speak. "Not just the storm but something else." I said as they sat and listened to me.

"I know what you mean. Lately I have felt like I did before the battle with the Olympic Coven. But it is different like I am on guard instead of the attack." She said and Alec wrapped his arms around her. Madalynn and Demetri still had a few days on their honeymoon and none of us wanted to disturb them. But it concerned me that what was coming would be here before they were back. That we all would be in more danger separated.

Felix stood up and paced the room. "Demetri thought that someone in the Volturi was helping Carlisle." He said and I thought about that. Many of them have been a part of the coven for hundreds of years. So that could be possible. "But there are only a handful of people that get to know everything. Myself, Demetri, Alec, Jane." He said and paused. "Of course the kings." He said before he thought more about it.

"The wives, Heidi..." Alec said and Felix looked at him. Alec looked at Felix wide eyes.

"Who would gain the most from keeping Demetri away from his mate." Felix said with a scoff. "Whatever you are feeling my love I am sure she has something to do with it." He said and I nodded my head. I had heard about Heidi but never met her. I knew she was at the wedding as she is a part of the Volturi. But nothing was said about her and she didn't try anything as there were no fights that broke out.

"That was why she was trying to be all nice at the wedding. She wanted information." Alec said as he stood up and moved in front of Bree. Protecting her from what was to come.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I had never even met this chick. Only heard about her from Madalynn.

"She kept trying to talk with Bree when Jane and her were talking. She is my twin and I do want them to get along." He said and I frowned at that. "Jane kept moving them around the party as she hates Heidi almost as much as Madalynn. She has never liked Hiedi. She always said that there was something shady about her. She was trying to get her to talk about the honeymoon. I thought it was because she was jealous and wanted to stop them from going. So I told her to back off and that Demetir and Madalynn had already left so she couldn't stop them from leaving. But now I think she was trying to get info for Carlisle and his coven. Or worse what is left of the werewolves. They have always wanted more power. And there is no one as powerful as Madalynn." He said and I ran to the phone just as the storm hit. Thunder crashed and the back door flew open Making us all jump.

"We need to get them back here. We are stronger together." I said as I called Demetri's phone. It rang and rang. I looked at Felix and he looked scared. Demetri was his best friend.

"Yeah?" I finally heard, Demetri said. He sounded upset. I gulped as I didn't know what to tell him. But luckily Felix took the phone from me.

"You need to get back. Look I get that this isn't the best time but we think we know who is helping Carlisle." Felix said and I couldn't hear what Demetri said as a loud clash of thunder hit right over the house. Making Bree scream and jump into Alec's arms. "They are on their way back." He said and I nodded. "They also have something to tell us." He said and I wonder if they had also figured it all out.

"Were they mad?" Bree asked as she slowly stood on her own feet. Alec pouted at her as she stepped away from him.

"No, he sounded happy. Like really happy." Felix said and I looked at him confused as them being married and on their honeymoon should make them happy. There were people after us. It was only an hour later when they arrived home. Demetri held Madalynn in his arms as he brought her into the house. She was giggling as he placed her on her feet. I smiled at them but something seemed off. Like we weren't alone in the house anymore.

"I see we made it back in time before the storm hit!" Demetri said as he warped his arms around Madalynn. There was something different about them. It was like they had changed. I couldn't put my finger on what was different. But knew something had happened while they were away.

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