2.10 Questions?

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I watched as my little mate confronted that coven she used to belong to

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I watched as my little mate confronted that coven she used to belong to. The ones that hurt her over and over again. I smiled as she wasn't going to be influenced by them any more. That she wasn't going to let her brother make her choices for her anymore. That she was going to do what she wanted and that she was going to be with me, her mate. I smiled as I watched her drive away. I knew I needed to follow them to make sure that they didn't plan on hurting my mate. I watched as they went back to another house. I wasn't surprised when the human pulled up. She looked at Edward and smiled. He looked at her and frowned, clearly still working through everything that Madalynn had told him.

"Edward! Please... I am sorry. I was only looking out for our coven. I thought I was doing what was right for all of us." The seer said as he walked past them all and into the house.

"What happened? Is Madalynn coming back to the coven? Is she going to help keep me safe?" The human asked as everyone glared at the seer. Even her mate. I smiled as Madalynn knows how to piss someone off. My little mate is a ball of fire. And I loved everything about her.

"I messed up! I thought I was doing the right thing for our coven but Madalynn now is against us all now. She had turned her back on us and it is all my fault. She is calling for Esme and Jaspers to be killed because of me, Edward and you. She is keeping Edward's real mate away from him. Because of us. Because she thinks I will let you kill her. All so you will stay friends with me...And she is more powerful than before." Thee seer says as I smile at that. Madalynn is doing what they did to us but punishing them all for it.

"So what do we do?" The human asked as she looked panicked. I knew it was because she didn't want to lose her chance at being changed. "If she joins the Volturi... They will for sure come after me. She hates me, Alice." The human screams at the seer. The seer shook her head as she paced.

"And she has every right to hate you! Both of you!" Edward said as I smiled even more. He walked past them and over to a car. He got in as the human followed him.

"Where are you going, Edward? We need to talk about all of this." The human asked as she tried to touch him. But he backed away from her.

"To find Madalynn and see if I can fix the damage Alice has done to not only her but to our coven." He said as I scoffed. Madalynn was mine and she would follow me. I quickly took off to find my mate. Not that it was hard for me as I can always feel where she is at. I arrived at the little hotel she would be staying at for the night, so she could feed before getting on a plane to come to Italy.

I opened the door to find her laying on the bed acting like she was asleep. "You know you would look better laying on that bed naked... With me in between your legs." I said as she looked at me and shook her head.

"Am I doing the right thing?" She asked as I shook my head at her.

"You are!" I said as she looked conflicted with what she had done. "Madalynn... They kept us away from each other for over 50 years. They made you a prisoner to their coven. They used you for your gifts. They never cared about you!" I told her. She sighed as she looked at the ceiling.

"I know you are right... But my brother... That is where I am having a hard time. He has been my world since I was a baby... How do I turn my back on him? When he was only trying to protect me?" She asked as I sighed this time. I knew her and her brother had a strong bond and that this is where she had the biggest problem.

"You are only asking for Esme and Jasper to be killed. Not your brother or his mate. You still care for them and believe that they were hiding you from me out of love. I can see that and I am sure that Aro will see that as well. Not all of us remember what it was like in our human lives. Or our Siblings, but He will see that you are looking out for him just like he was looking out for you." I said as I closed the door and went and laid with her.

She made it so easy to care about things I never would have before. Hidei said she was making me weak. But I think she is making me stronger. She is showing me that there is more to life than serving the Volturi as their guard. That there is more out there for all of us. I kissed her head as I felt the mind reader getting close to us.

"The mind reader is here to talk to you!" I said as she looked at me and sighed. "I will go!" I said but she grabbed my arm stopping me.

"No! I don't want you to go. I want you here with me. They needed to see that we are a couple and that they can't keep us apart anymore. I am tired of being away from you! It hurts too much!" She said, making me smile at her. I knew the feeling as it hurt to be away from her even if it was only for 24 hours. The pain I felt was extreme and I didn't want to ever feel that again. I kissed her, making her smile at me.

"Then let's show them that we are together and that they can't keep us apart any longer!" I said as she smiled and nodded her head at me.

"I love you, Demetri!" She said and I couldn't stop the smile that creeped on to my face. That was the first time she had said that to me.

"I love you too, Madalynn!" I said as I held her in my arms. I knew she felt the pull to me but I wasn't sure about her feelings.

Always in the Shadows-Demetri Volturi & OC (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now