4.3 Another set of mates

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	I was surprised when Aro said that they would be coming to our home

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I was surprised when Aro said that they would be coming to our home. Madalynn had explained what had happened before Felix had found her but I was shocked. I asked her not to go into that part of the house as I didn't want what was ever in there to hurt her again. Aro had sent a letter with Alec letting us know that they would be there in a month as they had a few different trials to take of before they could make it over to us. I stood in front of Alec as he looked around for someone. "Who are you looking for?" I asked as he looked away from me and out into the garden. He saw whoever he was looking for. As he moved to the window. I followed and saw Bree and Madalynn picking flowers. Emma was off with Felix as she was teaching him how to hurt animals.

He wasn't too keen on the idea but it was something I had agreed to do if the people around here started to suspect anything. Alec smiled as Madalynn moved away from Bree. "You know if you hurt her, Madalynn and I will go after you!" I said and he looked at me shocked and hurt.

"I would never hurt my mate!" He said, now it was my turn to be shocked. "How did I not see it before? She was standing right in front of me but I felt nothing but anger for her." He asked as Bree sat down and made a crown. She was maybe 15 when she turned. That was about the same age as Alec and Jane when they were turned.

"I think I know and that means he has messed with two mating bonds." I growled not liking what the Olympic coven was doing. It made me wonder how long they had been doing this? Why were they doing this? What could that gain them in the long run?

"What do you mean? Who did it?" He asked as I sighed. "Demetri... I let Jane hurt my mate! Do you know what that did to me when I realized I let my sister hurt my mate." He yelled this time. And I could see how he was hurt by his mate being hurt.

"You should stay for a little while. Get to know her! She is a sweet girl." I said as Madalynn walked in and stopped when she saw Alec. I wasn't sure what was going through her head.

"Alec... What a surprise! When did you get here?" She said, trying to give her best smile to him. I could tell she was still uneasy about him and his sister being around Bree.

"Mai Amor... I have asked Alec to stay with us. For a few days." I said and she looked at me shocked. "Seeing as Bree is his mate and all. I thought it was best that he stayed here and got to know her under our watchful eyes." I said and she looked back at Alec. Alec gave her a small smile. She sighed and nodded her head. "Did you know?" I asked and she frowned at me. She ended up shaking her head

"I knew that Bree felt something for him but she didn't want to tell me what it was. I am not sure she is ready to admit that they are mates." She said and I nodded my head. "Well if this is true. Why don't you go and talk to her." Madalynn said and Alec looked scared.

"She doesn't like me. I am sure she is scared of me. I mean I wouldn't blame her, after what my sister did to her." He said before Madalynn pushed him out the door that would take him close to where Bree was sitting.

"I am guessing he will be staying for our..." She got out as I smirked at her.

"Our Wedding... Yes. I did." I said and she nodded her head. "They will be good for each other. Maybe they can help each other heal. They have both been through so much." I said as Madalynn glared at me I chuckled at her. "I don't pick the mates." I said with a real laugh this time.

"What are you two talking about?" Felix asked, Making me point to the garden where Alec and Bree were now talking. Felix walked up and smiled. "No way?" He said and I smiled at him. Madalynn and Emma shook their heads at us.

"Is every member of our coven going to be mated to a member of the Volturi guard?" Emma asked, making me and Felix nod our heads.

"You act like we are not loving and caring mates!" I said placing my hand over my heart. Madalynn kissed me.

"That was never said. But you both need to think about what has happened to us before we found you all. We all have our own issues." She said and I nodded my head. Both Madalynn and Emma were prisoners to the Olympic coven and Bree was turned to help kill that ever coven.

"They are cute together." Emma said, making us all look out the window at them. Bree was laughing as she had put the crown on his head. He was shaking his head at her but laughing. "Maybe it is good that they are mates. I mean look how much we have changed since being with our mates." She said and I smirked at Madalynn. She rolled her eyes but leaned into me. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head.

"I for one am glad you are my mate. You are everything I need." Felix said as Madalynn looked up at me and smiled. I placed my hand on her cheek and kissed her.

"I love you!" I whispered against her lips. She sighed and closed her eyes. I knew she was seeing something and I kissed her again. I knew it was good as she smiled at me. 

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