2.12 Timing

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I tried to Call Madalynn but she didn't pick up

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I tried to Call Madalynn but she didn't pick up. I was worried about her. She was hurt by all of us. I should have never listened to any of them. I should have told her the truth. I should have stood up for her more. I knew Emmett was doing it out of love for his baby sister. But the rest of them were doing it because they knew that it brought our coven more power and that no one would go up against us once they knew of Madalynn. It made me sick that we were a part of this coven. I looked at Emmett and shook my head. "I told you this would happen!" I said as I walked away from my mate. It hurt to do but I was upset too. I just lost my sister and best friend.

"Rose... I am sorry... I really thought I was doing what was best for her. I couldn't see her get hurt again." Emmett said as I shook my head at him.

"That is not all we let happen to her, Emmett. You knew they were using her... For her powers and we just let it happen." I said as I dryly sobbed. Emmett held me as I sobbed. I knew he was hurting over this as well.

"I know... I don't blame her for saying what she did. She is right, my mother and father would be so disappointed in me for what I have let happen." He said as looked over at Madalynn's empty room.

"I miss her, Emmett!" I said as Emmett nodded his head in agreement.

"So do I. It doesn't feel like a home anymore." He said as we heard a scoff. We turned to see Bella standing there glaring at us. I growled as I lunged at her. Emmett held me back as Alice moved Bella behind her. "You need to get that blood bag and your lying ass away from us.!" Emmett yelled, making Alice and Bella run down the stairs away from us.

After a long time of us just sitting and looking at my sister's empty room we moved to our room

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After a long time of us just sitting and looking at my sister's empty room we moved to our room. "I think we need to leave." Rosalie said as I looked at her shocked. "It is clear that they don't care about us. The way they also pick Edward and Alice's side. Maybe it is time we go off on our own for a little while, maybe see Madalynn." She said as I thought about it. It wasn't a bad idea.

"I think that is a good idea." I said as Alice walked into our room. "Get out!" I yelled as she looked at me sad.

"I am sorry... We are having a family meeting downstairs." She said as I scoffed at her and Rosalie growled at her.

"What family?" Rosalie asked as she walked over to me. "Because of you we lost our family." She said as I nodded my head.

"I am sorry..." She said as she left our room. I stood up and held my hand out to Rosalie. She took it but I knew she did want to talk to any of them. We walked into the living room and sat down. Edward paced as he glared at Alice.

"Do you want to tell them or should I?" Edward said as Alice looked at him scared.

"Tell us what?" I asked as Edward looked at Carlisle and shook his head.

"Alice was once a part of the Volturi. They used her so she told us that they would use Madalynn because she was used because she didn't have a mate. She is also the reason that Marucs's mate was killed." Edward said as we were all shocked. Rosalie stood up and pointed at Carlisle.

"You are a pathetic leader!" Rosalie yells as Carlisle and Esme look at her ashamed.

"We didn't know." Esme said as I shook my head at them.

"Have you ever told us the truth?" I asked as Alice held on to Jasper. Jasper looked at Alice and sighed.

"I didn't lie about everything." Alice said, making Edward, Rosalie and Me growl at her. "When I left... I knew that Madalynn was going to be powerful and that she was Demetri's mate. And at the time Aro was planning on using her to gain more power. I was trying to protect her." She said as I shook my head.

"My sister is now gone... Because of you! And your lies." I yelled, making Jasper move in front of Alice.

"I know and I am sorry... When I came to your coven I saw how happy you all were and Jasper and I wanted that. At first I was jealous of Madalynn... But over time I noticed that she just wanted to be a normal person. After she copied my power I was scared she would see what I was hiding and I panicked." Alice said as she looked at all of us scared. "When I saw Demetri join our coven I thought that Madalynn was going to give us another chance. But it was Demetri willing to do anything to be with his mate. He loves her and she loves him." She said as I nodded my head. I was glad that he loved her even if that didn't tell me if he would hurt her or not.

"You think that this fixs what you have done?" Rosalie asked as I sighed at my mate. "Emmett lost his sister. I lost my sister in-law and my best friend, because of you. You lied to us since the day you arrived and what, you want us to forgive you like you did nothing wrong?" Rosalie asked as I looked at Alice who looked ashamed of what she had done. "I am sorry... But I don't trust a word that comes out of your mouth anymore. I hate you for breaking our family apart. As far as I am concerned you are nothing more than a lying backstabbing bitch that has to have her way." Rosalie said as I had to agree with my mate.

"I have to agree with my mate. I can't trust you Alice. Not with my sister or with my mate." I said as I stood up and went to walk away.

"I never meant for it to happen like this. I planned on telling everyone the truth after Bella's birthday party. But we all know what happened there." She said as I shook my head and walked away. Rosalie wasn't far behind me.

📜Author's Note📜

So today my husband surprised me with a day date. We are lucky if we get an hour a day together due to our work schedules. So I am behind on posting! When we got home we had our children and dinner to handle. I will be doing as much as I can tonight and tomorrow.

Thank you

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