5.9 Witnesses

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I stood outside watching as more and more vampires showed up to protect my family

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I stood outside watching as more and more vampires showed up to protect my family. "I am surprised that Emmett, Rosalie and Madalynn are not here." Kate asked as she stood next to me. "Why is that Edward?" She asked as she looked out at everyone that was her to witness my child grow. And show she wasn't a danger to our kind.

"I messed up." I said as I refused to take my eyes off my child. I didn't trust them around her as she still had a heart beat and blood running through her veins.

"You mean when you blamed Madalynn for killing that human or did you do something else?" She asked, making me look at her.

"Both!" I said and she nodded her head at me. "If I had done things differently my family would still be whole. They wouldn't be on the side of the Volturi." I said and she scoffed at me.

"You broke Madalynn all those years ago. It is no wonder why she wanted to leave. She told me all about it!" She said and I sighed.

"I tried to fix things with her. But she never let me." I said but Kate walked away from me. I sighed as Bella walked over to me.

"Look at this. They will fight for our family." She said, making me look at her confused.

"They aren't here to fight! But to witness." I said and she shook her head at me.

"But they will fight." She said before walking off. I think she forgets that they could all hear us. Because when I looked back down everyone was looking at me. And they did not look happy.

"Carlisle we came to witness this child grow, not fight for your family." Armand said as he looked to his mate and coven members. "We are leaving if that is why you brought us here." He said as he got his coven together. Bella looked shocked as she walked back out of the house. I looked at her and glared.

"We are not asking you all to fight. Just stand with us and tell them what you have seen with my grandchild. How she grows, how she acts. We do not want a fight." Carlisle said as I made my way down to them.

"She is a spoiled brat!" many of them thought. "Her mother is worse than she is." Others thought and I sighed at them all.

"We are not asking you to fight for us. But help us save my child. They think she is an immortal child but you all can clearly see that she is not." I said as many nodded their heads at me.

"Then witness is all we will do." Kate said as she glared at me. I knew she was still upset with me about Madalynn. It was all in her thoughts. How she blamed myself, Alice and Bella for Madalynn leaving. For my mate leaving me. It hurts to think about Emma. But I would stop and think about her and how her skin set a fire through my body when we would touch. I wonder if she was ok. What she was up to and if she was happy. But I had to be careful as Bella always seemed to know when I was thinking about her.

"Edward?" Bella said as she pulled me away from everyone.

"What Bella?" I asked as she pulled me to the side of the house. She tried to kiss me but I stopped her. "Not now and not here!" I said as I moved to walk away from her.

"Why not?" She asked and I just shook my head. Sex was about the only thing we had left to us anymore. All my love died for her. She wasn't the same girl I first fell in love with. "I want my husband!" She said as she started to remove her clothes. I shook my head and tried to stop her.

I huffed as we walked into the Volturi throne room

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I huffed as we walked into the Volturi throne room. Rita had her cloak up so that they wouldn't see her face. "And who might this be?" Aro asked but I noticed Marcus sit up a little more. His eyes brightened as he looked at Rita as she stood next to me. I knew he could sense that his mate was here.

"Hello brother!" Rita said as she removed her hood. "It has been a long time!" She said as everyone looked shocked.

"My love?" Marcus said as he stood up. Rita scoffed at him.

"Marcus!" She said but it was cold and uncaring.

"We thought you were dead?" Aro said as he stepped closer to her. She of course stepped away from him.

"I am sure you did." She said as she looked around the throne room. "You haven't changed much. Have you?" She said as she scoffed at the picture of herself.

"Where have you been?" Marcus asked as he approached her.

"Here and there. Gathering followers of my own." She said and he just frowned at her.

"For what?" He asked and she smiled over at him.

"For the gathering that is coming up!" She says as she looks over at me. I shrug my shoulders at her. Aro looks at her and holds out his hand. "Yeah, NO!" She says as she glares at him. "You don't get to see what has happened to me!" She said and I hid my laugh. "And the fact that you think you have the right to know anything about my life is funny!' She said just as Demetri started to pull me away.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I thought it was funny.

"We are leaving. I have seen her temper and You will not be in the same room as her when she blows." He said as he pulled me out of the room and out of the castle. "Aro and Marcus will be lucky if they are alive with the anger she has been holding in!" He said and I, out right laughed at that. We met up with everyone else as we waited for Rita to return to us.

5 Chapters Left

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