5.8 If I wasn't I would be!🔞

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⚠️Warnings⚠️ 🔞

⚠️Warning⚠️ Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

I smiled as I looked down at my mate

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I smiled as I looked down at my mate. She looked so beautiful as she looked up at me with nothing but love in her eyes. I knew I needed to take m y time with her. But I also knew we didn't have much time. It had been so long since we were alone. I reached up and grabbed the top of her dress, ripping it open so that she would gasp at me. When she tried to cover her body I growled at her. "Don't you dare!" I hissed at her as I placed my hands on the small bump of her belly. The spot where our daughter was being kept. "If you weren't pregnant already you would be by the time I am done with you!" I said as I locked eyes with her. She smirked at me as I pushed her panties down and undid my pants.

I groaned when she pulled me into a passionate kiss. She wanted me as much as I wanted her. I could sense that our family would be back soon so I picked her up and carried her to our bed. "I am sorry my love!" I said before thrusted myself into her hard. She screamed out, making me pleased with myself. All that could be heard was the sounds of our moans and skin slapping together. She tried to cover her mouth when her orgasm peaked but I pulled it away. "No one is here. I want to hear, you!" I whispered into her ear. I pulled her up and leaned back on my knees.

She took control as I hoped she would bring me closer to my own release. "Demetri!" She gasped as she again reached another orgasm. I growled as I came with her. I held her to me as we both calmed down. "I love you! And I would never willingly put myself in danger." She said as I looked at her. "But there are things that you can't control. This fight has been a long time coming." She said as I laid her down. I moved to get dressed.

"Do you think I don't know that? But your safety isn't out of my control." I asked as I pulled my pants up. When I turned around she had the sheet covering her body. "But this..." I said pointing at her. "This about you! You, going to a coven that I don't know. I don't know what they will do to you! To our child. And you are telling me I can't go because of Marcus mate. I could give a shit about her. It is you that concerns me." I yelled and she looked down at the bed.

"Then we can go together!" She said and I nodded my head.

"That is all I am asking." I said as I walked over to her. I pulled her closer. "I can't live without you." I said as I nuzzled my face into her neck. "I don't mean to be an ass. But I can't live without you." I said as I felt her nod her head. "Get dressed!" I said as I heard Felix and Emma arguing. Madalynn giggled as she heard them.

"You do know that Demetri won't hurt her." Felix said as they entered the house. You could feel the eye roll that Emma gave him.

"Words can hurt just as much!" She said, making me shake my head.

"She is right!" Madalynn said as she put a new dress on. I shook my head as I grabbed my shirt.

"Please they probably planned that fight so they could have the place to themselves." Felix said and I smirked over at Madalynn. She shook her head as she left the room.

"One, we did not plan the fight." Madalynn said as we entered the lying room.

"No, we didn't. But we didn't let an empty house go to waste!" I said as I pulled Madalynn over to me.

"When do we leave?" Emma asked, making me look at her then at Madalynn.

"Emma knows about this?" I asked as I was starting to get upset again. "Does Bree?" I asked and Madalynn nodded her head. "Just fucking great! What about your brother?" I asked and she shook her head at me.

"Know about what?" Felix asked as he looked from Madalynn and I over to his mate.

"Rita!" I said as he looked confused. "She is alive!" I said as he went from confused to shocked.

"Does Marcus know that his mate is alive?" He asked and I shook my head.

"And we will not be the ones to tell them! That is up to Rita!" I said making Madalynn give me a small smile. Felix huffed at me. "We aren't Volturi anymore. Our loyalty is to our coven and our mates." I said and he seemed to get it. As he nodded his head. Alec walked in with Bree and looked at us confused.

"How long have you all known about Rita?" He asked as he stood in front of all of us. We all looked at him shocked. "That answers my question!" He said as he looked at each of us.

"How do you know about her?" Felix asked, making Alec scoff at him.

"We ran into her in the woods. She is here and alive!" He said and Madalynn looked at me.

"Where is my brother?" She asked, looking scared.

"They are walking in now!" I said just as Emmett, Rosalie and Jace walked into the house. "Madalynn?" I asked as she quickly picked up Jace.

"See, Rose, I told you the house would still be standing?" Emmett said with a laugh.

"Madalynn?" I asked again, but she just looked Jace over.

"I never told her where we were!" Madalynn said, making me very concerned. This also made Felix concerned. "We were supposed to meet her in New York." She said and I growled.

"What are you talking about?" Emmett asked but I was two busy trying to see if I could track my once Queen.

"Marcus's Mate!" Emma said as she moved over to Madalynn.

"The one that was killed?" Rosalie asked as the room went quiet.

"I wasn't killed! Torn to pieces yes but not killed!" We heard, making us all look to the back door.

"What are you doing here?" Madalynn hissed as she moved our son closer to me.

"I wanted to see if it was true? If you were really a copycat." Rita said as she looked at our son. "And it is." She said as she moved which made our family move around us. "I will not hurt her. Or him." She said as she took a seat on the couch. "Where is Marcus?" She asked as I moved in front of everyone.

"Paris! With Aro and Caius." I said and she nodded her head.

"Good! Does he know?" She asked and I shook my head at her. "Good!" She said as she nodded her head. "I know we agreed to meet in New York but this couldn't wait. Alice came to me. Wants me to be on Carlisle side." She said, making Madalynn move. "And you know I would never be on his side so... I sent them on a little trip to stop them from telling anyone that I am still alive." she said and this made Madalynn smirk.

6 Chapters Left

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