2.11 New information

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I wasn't surprised that Edward had come to look for me

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I wasn't surprised that Edward had come to look for me. I was shocked that he came by himself. He looked at me and then Demetri. "Why is he here?" Edward asked as I glared at him.

"He is my mate! Where should he be?" I asked as I smiled at the annoyance on his face. Demetri kept his arms wrapped around me. But I could hear the low growl coming from Demetri's chest.

"I came to make sure that you and your coven didn't try to harm my mate." Demetri says as he holds me closer to him. I knew he was waiting for Edward to attack. But I also know that Edward didn't have the balls to do that in front of me. Not knowing what I would do.

"Madalynn you know that he is only using you so he can spy on us!" Edward yelled, making me scoff at him.

"Is that so?" I asked as Edward looked at me hurt. "Or are you scared that he will tell the Volturi that your blood bag is alive and well and has not been killed or turned? God, you are an arrogant ass." I asked as Edward looked at me with pleading eyes. "I think you forget that I do not care what happens to Bella Swan. I don't care about her or you for that matter." I said as Edward sighs at me.

"Maddie... I know what we have done to you is wrong. What me and Alice have done to you... But can you please see it from our side? We were only protecting you." He said, making me and Demetri scoff.

"Keeping her away from the person she was meant to be with is protecting her?" Demetri asked, and I could tell he was getting mad. "Keeping her prisoner where she didn't want to be because she was treated like an outsider all because of a little girl that thinks she is better than everyone else. What do you call her... Alice?" Demetri says as I look at him confused. "I remember the vampire that turned her. He was in love with her. Had been for years. She was the blood singer to another vampire and he got in the way." Demetri said as I was a little shocked by the new information.

"I don't see what this has to do with anything!" Edward said as he glared at my mate. Demetri smiled at him.

"Did you know that she was a member of the volturi for a little while before she had a vision of someone that was more powerful than her? It drove her mad that she was no longer the most important one to Aro. That Aro wanted this other person to be by his side. As she would be able to protect the kings better than her. But she was still human! So nothing could be done." He asked as I was shocked. I looked at Edward and he was confused. We all know that she knew was keeping Edward out of her head. "She had asked to go and get her mate as she wanted to have that love that we all want. Aro allowed it, but she never returned. It took me a while to place her as she has changed the way she looks." He said as I looked at him confused. "Aro will be glad to know that she has been found and that she can now pay for her crimes against the Volturi." Demetri said as I was confused as to what crimes.

"What crimes? What did Alice do?" Edward asked, for the both of us.

"for her part in Marcus's mate's death." He said as I was even more confused. What did he mean? I know there were things he wasn't ready to tell me. Edward looked at him confused. "See I had run into my mate when she was a little girl. I know I couldn't take her away from her family just yet as she was still a child." Demetri said as I glared out at the forest. "But Mary Alice knew that I had found her. She had seen it. She knew that As soon as she was of age I would bring her back to the Volturi and I would claim her as mine. She knew that my mate was the one she needed to fear. When his mate found out she had told Marcus. But Mary Alice told Aro that she was trying to get Marcus to leave the coven. To destroy the coven. So Aro killed her. It wasn't until later that we found out that she had lied. I hadn't connected to her mind so I was unable to track her." He said and I was shocked.

I thought back to my human life but couldn't remember ever seeing Demetri. Over the years I did see a girl that reminded me of Alice. How she would talk to my ex-husband and how he would look at me after she left.

"See... Mary Alice never liked when she was pushed to the side. She wanted to be the most important one to a coven." Demetri said as I looked at Edward and he looked at me.

"And when Alice showed up Madalynn was the most important. She had just gotten a new power so we were all focused on her. Helping her control her gift." Edward said as Alice and Bella showed up. Edward glared at them. Bella looked at my mate in fear. She ran over to Edward and held on to him.

I shook my head as Alice looked at me. It all made sense why she hated me so much. It was because I was more powerful than her. She huffed as she looked from me then at Demetri. "Edward, don't believe him. Demetri is lying to you and to Madalynn." She said as Demetri scoffed at her. Edward stared at her as if he was trying to break though whatever wall she had up. He shook his head at her.

"No he is not. His mind tells me that. You on the other hand have been lying since you arrived at our coven. I am done listening to you. Bella, you need to let go!" He says as he pulls her arm off of him. Bella looks at him hurt as she tries to grab him again.

"Edward please... We need to talk about what happened." Bella yelled as Edward walked away from her.

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