2.1 It's my party

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I was beyond annoyed that my brother talked me into staying yet again

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I was beyond annoyed that my brother talked me into staying yet again. And to top it off Edward ran right back to that pathetic blood bag. Rosalie and I made sure she knew we didn't want anything to do with her. Edward would try to get us to talk to her or include her in things we were doing, like shopping or just hanging out together. I was able to travel a little but only after my brother approved it. That right there pissed me off.

"Will please stop being an overprotective ass." I yelled as Bella and Edward walked in the house. I guess it was her birthday or something. I rolled my eyes at them before focusing back on my brother.

"I am doing what a big brother is supposed to do. I am looking out for you. You are my little sister, I have to protect you." Emmett yelled back at me. I growled as I was so tired of having this fight with him.

"Then stop. God I just want to live my own life. Have fun, find my mate! Be happy for once!" I said as everyone went quiet.

"You are living, You are happy?" Emmett says all confused. I just stared at him. Was he for real right now? Did he really believe I was happy here?

"Here, is not living. Being here is a death sentence, with her around all the damn time. And I sure as hell am not happy here." I say as Bella gasps at me. "Fuck off blood bad." I yelled as I continued to look at my big brother. He looked at me hurt.

"Madalynn it is Bella's birthday today." Esme says as I glare at them. I let out a low and deadly growl. Making Bella hide behind Edward. That made me smile.

"And?" I said as they all looked at me sad. Rosalie smiled at me. "She means nothing to me. So why should I care." I said as Edward looked at me hurt before he looked at Bella.

"Madalynn... I know you are not happy about Bella knowing about us or being around us. But could you be nice to her today? For me?" Edward asks, making me laugh at him.

"Fuck no!" I said as I walked up the stairs still laughing. I stayed in my room as Edward made everyone else go to her little party that Alice wanted to have for her. I growled as I smelt something nasty coming from down stairs. I walked down the stairs and noticed all the blood. I chuckled as I went to find my brother and sister in-law. I walked past Edward and giggled at him. "How do you find that smell applying? God it is gross! How can you stand to be around her?" I asked, making him look at me shocked and confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked as I looked at him confused. He really thought her blood smelt good. God there is something wrong with him.

"I mean her blood smells like sweaty socks and garbage." I said as Edward looked at me then the blood. He walked away from me without any other work. I rolled my eyes at him before walking away to find my brother. I found the rest of the coven outside keeping Jasper away from the house. I jumped into the tree and smiled.

"Funny... I get blamed and treated like trash when I didn't do anything and Jasper almost eats Edward's blood bag and you all act like he did nothing wrong." I say as they all look up at me. Alice sighs as she looks from me to Jasper. "You're losing your case big brother! I leave tonight!" I said as Emmett looked at me hurt. "Maybe I'll go to Italy and tell them what Edward and Alice have been doing. I mean Emmett and Rosalie are the only ones I care about. Even though I shouldn't care about Emmett either, I would beg for them to let you two live but the rest. I could care less about!" I said as they all looked at Alice, and she looked scared.

I grabbed my phone and texted my vampire buddy. We have been going back and forth for a few months now. He started out as a secret admirer but soon wanted to video chat and talk and text daily. He always made me smile when we would text or talk over the phone. He is a human eating vampire as I still feed off of animals. We did one video chat where I made him prove to me that he was a vampire. He looked so cute when he got confused. I hated to admit that I had the biggest crush on him. Demetri!❤❤❤

I walked back inside ready to load my car with my things when Bella and Edward stepped in front of me. "Who are you texting?" Bella asked as I scoffed at her.

"None of your damn business Blood bag!" I said as I pushed past them. Edward went to grab my phone but I set his hand on fire. "Don't fuck with me Edward. Cause this time I will kill your blood bag! Without a second thought." I said as Edward freaked out about being on fire. I laughed as the rest of the coven came in and looked at me shocked.

"I am sorry... Please make it stop!" Edward says with a grunt. Bella was crying as she tried to put the fire out.

"If I haven't made it clear to you already let me, now! You are nothing you me your little bitch here is nothing you me. You will never be my family and she will never be important to me!" I sheath as I make the fire hotter. "You are not my friend and never will be!" I say looking right at Bella she nodded her head at me as she backed up. "Let this be a lesson, that I am done with you and your bullshit!" I hiss at Edward, making him scream even more. I smiled as I could see the damage I was doing to him.

 I smiled as I could see the damage I was doing to him

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I smiled when I got a text from my little mate. Telling me she was leaving her coven. I wanted to ask her to come here and see me but I didn't want to scare her away. I wanted her to be hooked on me like I was on her. I asked if we could meet in person soon. I smiled when she messaged back with 'I would like that!' She stopped responding so I called her.

"Hey handsome!" Madalynn says when she picks up her phone. I sigh as she is ok and I don't have to hunt them down for killing my mate.

"Amore Mio (My love)! Is everything ok?" I ask as Fliex looks at me concerned.

"Yes everything is fine now." I hear her say as someone screams in the background. I smiled as my little mate was being a bad girl. I wanted to watch her as she used all of her powers. She had told me what she was and what powers she had. Whether they were on purpose or accident as well. 

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