3.7 Upset

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	I knew something was off with how everyone was acting

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I knew something was off with how everyone was acting. Aro was too willing to give up his power to Jane and that right there sent up a warning sign to me. As he would have never done that before, no matter who's mate it was. Felix was also acting differently around Madalynn. I helped her to our room and it looked like someone had gone through it. I helped Madalynn to the bed and started to really look around.

"Demetri, what is wrong?" She asked as I opened the drawer that held the engagement ring I had gotten her. It was there but the other ring I got her was missing. There wasn't anything special about that ring, just one I thought she would like.

"Nothing my love! I am going to go and get you some blood as soon as I have us packed!" I said as I started to pack our bags. I didn't want to let her know that I was slowly not trusting my coven. I had heard a few of the younger ones talking about how Madalynn would be what puts us on top and we not only rule the vampire world but the human world.

I finished packing and went to get her some blood. But when I opened the fridge that held Madalynn's blood bags it was empty. This really confused me as it should be full as I filled it myself before we left. And we were only gone for a week.

"What the hell?" I asked, not realizing that I wasn't alone anymore. I opened the trash and it was empty. I know I filled it before we left.

"OH! I hope you and Madalynn don't mind... But I had to see what this animal diet was all about." I heard Hiedi say from the doorway. I turned and glared at her. "It was disgusting so I threw the rest of it out. I think it was bad. Not sure how she eats that stuff." She said as she walked over to the other fridge and opened it up.

"Why would you do that? It wasn't yours to touch." I asked, already knowing the answer. Heidi has made it clear that she hates Madalynn more than once. And that she wants me to choose her over my own mate. But I would never do that to her. I loved Madalynn. More than I ever thought was possible.

"OH! Demetri... Why can't you see that she is not one of us? She never will be. You need a real vampire. Not some animal eating one. Not a child like her." She said as I shook my head at her.

"You are really starting to push me Heidi." I said as I went to walk away from her. She grabbed my arm and tried to kiss me. I pushed her away with a growl. "I don't want you! You were just a fuck toy for me to play with." I growled out as she looked at me hurt. I will never want you. I said with a growl. Hiedi was thrown away from me. I turned to see Madalynn standing there. The look in her eyes had me scared.

"You stupid bitch! Do you really think you are better than me?" Madalynn said as she stepped closer to Heidi. I was shocked when Madalynn's eyes changed. They looked like snake eyes. Hiedi looked at her shocked. She looked at me for help. But I shook my head at her.

"Well... I will leave you two to handle this." I said as I smiled at Hiedi and then quickly left. I closed the door and chuckled when I saw Felix standing there looking at me confused. "Heidi..." I said as his eyes went wide. He pointed to the door I was standing in front of. We both jumped when we heard Heidi scream.

"What did you do? What did you do to me?" Heidi yelled as Felix and I looked at the door. Madalynn opened it and walked out. A smirk on her face.

"I made your looks match what you are inside. Straight ugly! And unwanted! Now everyone will see you as I see you" Madalynn said as she walked past us. Her eyes still snake like. Felix looked at her and gasped.

"Her eyes... What the hell was that!" Felix said as he pointed at Madalynn. I nodded my head at him, not sure what to say. Heidi came walking out and both me and Felix stepped away from her. Madalynn did what she said.

"Make her change me back. Make her undo what she did to me." Heidi screamed, as I started laughing. "This isn't funny! Demetri. Look what she did to me!" She screamed as she stormed off. I kept laughing as I could hear her screaming at everyone not to look at her.

"My mate is awesome!" I yelled as I went to find Madalynn. I found her standing at one of the tower windows. A small amount of shimmer on her skin. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I can't do this any more, Demetri." She said as she looked over at me. I nodded my head at her.

"I know my love. I hate how they all act around you!" I said as I walked over to her and kissed her head.

"What have I done to be treated so badly?" She asked as I wrapped my arms around her.

"You have done nothing my love. They all just want what you have." I said as she shook her head at me.

"Then they can have it. I would love to be a normal vampire." She said as I shook my head at her.

"That sounds nice." I said as I kissed her neck. "But I was thinking?" I said as I turned her to face me. "What if we got a place of our own. Away from here?" I asked as she looked at me shocked.

"Would they allow that?" She asked, but I wasn't sure if they would. But right now I want to be away from everything. I hated how they were trying to use my mate. How Heidi was treating my mate.

"I don't know... But right now I don't care! I want us to have our own place!" I said as she smiled at me. "I love you Madalynn!" I said before she smashed her lips to mine. I moaned as I pushed her up against the closest wall.

Always in the Shadows-Demetri Volturi & OC (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now