4.12 Dreams

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It has been a week since my brother and sister in-law came back into my life

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It has been a week since my brother and sister in-law came back into my life. I asked them to stay with us. I want them in my life. I felt lost without my brother by my side. It felt like he had gone missing all over again. He had told me it felt that same with him that he was told that he couldn't see me anymore. He said it broke him and no matter how hard they tried to replace me it was never going to be the same.

I don't know when Demetri moved me to our bed but I remember hearing him whisper to our child that he loved him and that he would never let anything happen to him. That he and I were his world and he would kill anyone that tried to take us away. I smiled to myself as I thought about us having a boy. I wasn't sure what our child was and I couldn't wait to find out.


"Mommy, look at what I made!" A little voice yelled from across the yard. I smiled as I approached my son. He looked so much like Demetri.

"What do you have there, Jace?" I asked as I kneeled down so I was level with my son. He smiled up at me. As my heart leaped for joy.

"I made it! Isn't it pretty?" He said as he slowly opened his hand and showed a beautiful butterfly. "It is for sissy. For her room. It will fly around and never die." He said as he placed his hand on my swollen stomach. I placed my hands there and smiled. I would give Demetri more than one child.

"She will love it, my son!" I heard Demetri say from behind me. I turned to look at him and was shocked to see his eyes were amber gold. He wasn't feeding off of humans, he was on an animal diet. "Now all she needs to do is come and meet us. But she is like your mother. Stubborn! She is taking her own time and doing it her way." He said and I scoffed at him. Our son laughed as he ran to his father. "But we will love her no matter what. Right?" He said and our son nodded his head.

"Yes... Because she is like mommy! She is a copycat." He said and I frowned at him. What did he mean? How could she be a copycat?

"We don't know that forsure but she could be you never know. Or she might not have a gift. We will just have to wait and see." Emmett said as he and Rosalie walked over to us.

"Uncle Emmett! Your back! How was Spain? Did you bring me back anything?" My son said all excited. I chuckled as I still had my hands on my unborn child.

"Yes we did... But you need to go and get cleaned up. We have to leave here soon." Rosalie said as she held her hands out for my son.

"Leave? Where is he going?" I asked as I was confused. Why would they be taking my son?

"It is Bella and Edward's hearing! Don't you remember?" Demetri asked and I frowned at him. What was he talking about? What hearing? Out of nowhere flashes of a battle took over my sight. The Volturi on one side with mean others that I did not know. The Olympic coven, pack as well as a few other covens on the other. A small child stood in the middle of them. As my son and I stood with my mate, our son and our coven.

"I bet she bit him and turned him! She should be punished, not us." Bella hissed at me.

"Bella shut up!" Edward growled at her. "He was born just like Renesmee. And he is loved by them." He said and I just smirked at her. She was pissed as I held my son's hand.

"Little bitch wants to fight!" Rosalie hissed as my brother was more than ready to kill them for all they had done. Bella frowned at her but Rosalie just smiled back.

"As you can see if you harm Renesmee you would have to harm him as well." Carlisle said as she smiled over at me.

"Careful Carlisle... I know your secret! And I know you don't want everyone to know that you are the real reason so many have died!" I said with a sweet smile. He hissed at me and I just smiled at him.

"Yes, that will be the next topic. One that I am ready to get to. So let's kill the child and move on." Caius said as he sneered at them. Carlisle looked shocked as I continued to smile.

"I also see that Alice has abandoned you. Like the coward she truly is!" Emmett said as he flexed his muscles.

"Rosalie... Emmett you know you are more than welcome to rejoin us. We would welcome you back with open arms. Renesmee really wants to meet her aunt and uncle." Esme said, making my brother and Rosalie scoff at her.

"Now knowing what we do. Why would we ever want to be a part of your coven? How many covens have to be killed for your own personal gain?" Rosalie hissed at them. This made a few of the other covens look at them confused as everyone on our side nodded their heads. "And that child is no family of ours." She said and I smirked at Bella who was now pissed. The child started to cry and ask why they hated her. Why didn't they love her like they had all said they would. It only got worse when Rosalie came and picked up my son and kissed his head. She screamed and tried to run at us. Bella grabbed her and held her as she tried to calm her down.

When I awake I was conflicted. I was happy that I would have not only a son but a daughter as well. But what was that? What did it mean? We were going to confront them? Was there going to be a battle? I had so many questions but wasn't sure about how to get them answered.

I had told Demetri about the dream and he was just as confused as I was but the smile on his face when I told him we would have another child and it would be a girl. I don't think even facing death could have removed that smile.

"You know, my love... Before me and you meet. I never wanted a mate. I was happy but now I know how wrong I was. This right here is a much better life." He said as we laid down in our bed together. "Now this little one needs to come and meet us." He said and I smiled.

"Jace!" I said and Demetri looked at me confused. "His name is Jace!" I said and Demetri's smile just grew.

"I love it. A perfect name for the perfect child." He said as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

"I think he is ready to meet us!" I said as I felt a gush of water.

Always in the Shadows-Demetri Volturi & OC (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now