5.12 Taking it all away

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I smirked as I watched the realization  fall upon Edward

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I smirked as I watched the realization fall upon Edward. It made me chuckle when he glared over at me. "If you had just agreed to Join our coven none of this would have happened." He hissed at me. I could only smirk at him.

"Why would I join your coven when my mate so badly wanted to get away from you all?" I asked, making Edward's head snap to Madalynn. I wrapped my hand around her waist making sure to place a hand over our daughter.

"If we are to be punished for our daughter then shouldn't they be punished for him!" Bella hissed, making all on our side hiss and growl at her. Many ever prepared to fight over her words. She seemed to sense this and stepped behind Edward.

"He has proven to not be a danger to us or the humans. We were also made aware of him and how he came to be." Aro said, making me send a smirk Bella's way. She huffed and looked to be getting annoyed. I was sure it was because she wasn't getting her way. She tugged on Edward's arm and whispered something to him.

"Aro... Please hear us out, Renesmee is not a threat to anyone. She is just like that boy!" Carlisle said and I growled at him.

"My son is nothing like that thing!" I hissed as I pointed to the child that clung to the wolf. He growled at me, making Madalynn raise her eyebrow at him.

"How funny!" Madalynn said with a laugh. "The mut imprinted on the brat." She said and I looked at them in disgust.

"Sucks to be him!" Emma said as she too looked on in disgust.

"Why is that?" Edward asked as he tried to get a read on our thoughts. But Madalynn made sure we were all blocked.

"You do know she was sleeping with him before you all got married. And now he is in love with you child..." She said hissing out the last word like it left a bad taste in her mouth. Edward looked at her shocked before turning to Bella and the mut. The child looked at the mut confused and hurt.

"She is lying!" Bella said as the mut whimpered and laid down in front of the child. "Edward, she is lying!" Bella yelled this time.

"She is telling the truth. It is you all that is lying!" A young girl with a hint of an Irish accent said as he and two others started to walk our way. "Am I for one don't like being lied to!" She said as she reached us. "We were only here to witness the child! I will have no part in whatever they have planned!" She said as she held out her hand to Aro.

"Please, Don't do this!" Carlisle begged. He took a step forward making Jane, Alec, Felix and I to do the same. I moved Madalynn behind me. I knew Emmett and Rosalie had Jace with the wives. "You all don't understand!" He said in nothing more than a whisper.

"You are right, we don't understand why you made it your mission to destroy one of our greatest covens. Why, you set me up to be killed by my mate and brother!" Rita said and this seemed to register something in Bella.

"You are Marucs's mate?" Bella asked and Rita nodded her head.

"I am! And Carlisle is the reason I have been away from my mate and my family!" She said and Bella looked scared.

"If you are not here for my daughter, can we go?" She asked, making everyone laugh.

"NO!" Aro said as he set his glare on those that still followed Carlisle. "Seeing as those of you left in his coven know what he has done. You will all face the same judgment as him." Aro said as he looked over at Caius.

"And if it wasn't for Madalynn the wolves would be a part of that judgment." Caius said, making the wolves cock their heads at her.

"So my Jake gets to live?" The little girl asked and Madalynn nodded her head.

"If he stands down! Sam and his pack are a lot safer than Jake's though!" Madalynn said as she looked over the wolves. "Sam!" She said and the biggest and darkest wolf stepped forward. "Hello Sam!" She said and the wolf nodded his head. "Halfway?" She questioned and he again nodded his head. I could see many of the wolves tense but two didn't. I watched as she walked away from me and over to the middle of the field. None of us could hear what was being said. Soon they walked away from each other. The wolf growled and all but one wolf left with him. It was the one that was attached to the child.

"For those of you I do not know. Let me introduce myself. My name is Madalynn McCarthy. I was turned by my brother in 1943!" Madalynn said pointing to Emmett who held a small smile at her. "It wasn't known until the late fifties that I am a copycat. Carlisle used me for many years. Building my powers up. It wasn't until Edward and Alice lied to me did I realize what he was doing. He was using me to get ready to start a war with the Volturi. But I am not the only one that has a problem with Carlisle and his coven. Which two of his members are missing but will soon face their own judgment." She said, making many nod their heads.

"Demetri is this true?" My creator asked and I nodded my head at him.

"Yes it is true! But there's more to the story, Armand. And it all starts with the original Greek coven!" I said and Armand looked at me conflicted.

"The Greek coven was attacked by werewolves." Someone said and I shook my head at them.

"That was all set up by Carlisle!" Madalynn said as Carlisle looked around at the people he thought were his friends.

"Madalynn, please stop this!" Carlisle's mate said as she clung to Carlisle. Edward looked defeated already as Bella looked to be getting more and more pissed by every passing moment.

"Alice!" Edward said as he looked behind their group. And sure enough Alice, her mate and two others came walking out of the wood. She looked shocked. Clearly not expecting out numbers. She looked at Edward and shook her head. It was clear she was telling him to not do anything just yet. I frowned when she stopped in front of Madalynn.

"Alice!" Madalynn hissed as Alice took in her enlarged belly.

2 Chapters Left

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