4.5 Flashbacks🔞

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⚠️Warning⚠️ Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

	I stood in the beautiful room of his family home

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I stood in the beautiful room of his family home... We had just left our wedding reception. When the door closed I knew what was coming. I flinched when he touched me. I knew he was drunk and mad that I had commented about my brother. I could never understand how he could hurt me. He was my brother's best friend. He was always so nice to me when Emmett was around. But that all changed when Emmett went missing. He became a man that scared me, his whole family did. My family never saw the way they treated me. Because they never acted like that when they were around.

"Madalynn... My love." Demetri broke my train of thought. I looked at him as we entered our room. He cupped my face and looked into my eyes. "I will never hurt you like he did." He said and I nodded my head.

"I know..." I said but it only came out as a whisper. I knew Demetri would never harm me. "I am not sure why I thought back to that time." I said and Demetri nodded his head.

"More things have been coming back to you." He said and I nodded my head. "Like you are unlocking your past." He said and I nodded my head again. He kissed my shoulder and my neck. I closed my eyes as I loved feeling his lips against my skin.

⚠️ Smut begins-🔞 you have been warned⚠️ 

"No more thinking about the past. Just us and our future." He said as he unzipped my dress. We both let it fall to the floor. With a growl Demetri had me pinned to the bed. "I have wanted you out of that damn dress all day now." He said as he worked on his clothes. I helped with his pants and soon we were both naked. "You tease me and now it is time to give me what I desire." He said as he flipped me over so I was on my stomach. I gasped as he pulled me up and my hands and knees.

"And what is it you desire?" I asked as I looked back at him. He smirked at me before slamming into me. I moaned as I knew the little touches I had been placing on him would drive him crazy but I never thought he would take me like this.

"When I am done fucking you... We will get cleaned up and then we will make love for the rest of our honeymoon." He said and I moaned and put my head down as he made sure to hit all the right spots inside of me. "You think I didn't notice how you were touching me and the little smirk you held afterwards?" He asked and I moaned in response. "Answer me, my queen!" He growled as she pounded into me harder.

"N-NO!" I stuttered out, making him chuckle at me. But he didn't stop his fast and hard pace.

"I almost took you in front of everyone." He said as he pulled me back against his chest. "And this body is mine... For my eyes only!" He growled as I screamed his name. "Only I get to see you like this." He growled again and stilled inside of me.

"Don't I know it." I said as he started to kiss my shoulder. He hummed as he held me against his body.

⚠️ Smut ends😔

"I am sorry my love." He said and I shook my head. "I shouldn't have acted like that. I should have been gentle with you." He said as he kissed my cheek.

"I like it when you get all possessive over me." I said as I turned my head and kissed him. "I love you!" I said as we looked into each other's eyes.

"I love you, Madalynn!" He said as he helped me off the bed. And to the shower. I sighed when the hot water hit my skin.

"She can't know that we are hiding her. It will only end with her getting hurt and we need her to keep us all safe and hiding." I heard Carlisle say. I stepped out of the shower and followed his voice. "She can't know that she is what they are looking for. The answer to all their questions. What will make them the most powerful!" He said as Alice stood there looking smug as she nodded her head..

"She has already started to have flashbacks. Soon she will know the whole story. We need to stop that from happening." She said as she frowned at him.

"If she tells anyone what I have done they will kill all of us. It wouldn't matter if they had no part in it. They won't care." Carlisle said and I frowned at him. What is he talking about?

"And her mate? He is looking for her. He knows she is a vampire and he wants her." Edward said and I frowned even more. My mate? I have a mate?

"Then we hide her from him as well. They don't know about her or her gifts just yet. We can use that in our favor." Carlisle said and they both nodded their heads.

"He has seen her." Alice said and they both frowned at her. "When she was human. She was only a little girl but he had seen her." She said and I shook my head. They were talking about my mate. Who was he? Where was he? "He won't stop until he has her. He will take her away and we will be under attack." She said and Edward glared at her.

"Then we make her stay. Emmett will help with that. He loves her and if we tell then he will kill her or use her for her gifts then he will hide her for her own good." Edward said and I couldn't take it any more. I opened the door so they could see me. Then nothing.

I gasped as Demetri held me on the shower floor. "My love?" He said as he looked me over for any damage. I shook my head as I held onto him like my life depended on it.

"They hide me to protect themselves. Not just from you... But from someone else." I said and Demetri growled.

"Then they will pay." He said as he picked me up and carried me to our bed.

Always in the Shadows-Demetri Volturi & OC (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now