2.2 I'll cry if I want to

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I scoffed when Edward came storming into my room

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I scoffed when Edward came storming into my room. "We leave tonight!" He states as I scoffed at him again.

"Already planned on it. About time I left this sad excuse of a coven!" I said, making him stop and look at me. I stared back at him. "Don't you have a blood bag to creep on?" I asked as he growled at me.

"You could have stopped all this from happening if you would have just given her a chance." He yells as I growl at him.

"And if you and the little bitch hadn't lied about your last blood bag then maybe I would have but you did. So here we are." I yelled right back at him. "I hope the Volturi find out what you have done. I hope they kill her and make you watch. Then make you live with the fact that you got her killed! That it is all your fault." I yell as he steps back from me. Fear in his eyes. "I hate you Edward Mason. And As long as I live you will never find happiness you will never find love..." I said as I got a vision of Edward and his true mate. "Your real love that is!" I said as I smiled at him.

"What did you see?" He asked as I smiled an evil smile at him. "Madalynn what did you see?" He asked in a shaky voice that clearly held fear in it.

"Just your true mate! That I plan on killing!" I said as the rest of the coven gasped at me. "Call it pay back for you and little miss twinkle toes framing me for something I didn't do!" I said as Edward looked at me hurt.

"She didn't do anything to you! You have no reason to hurt her." Edward said in a shaky voice.

"I know... But this way you will never be with your true mate. You will never truly be happy!" I said as I walked up to him and smiled. "Karma has a funny way of punishing you Edward! Giving me that Vision of your mate before Alice. Almost like fate agrees with me, you don't deserve to be happy or loved by anyone!" I said as I patted his check.

"Please Madalynn! Don't hurt her! She hasn't done anything wrong. That was me. If you want to punish someone, punish me. Not her!" Edward bagged as Alice looked like she was having a vision of her own.

"I can't see her anymore!" Alice said as They all looked at her. "I can't see Madalynn any more. Everything is black." She said as she looked at me shocked. "You're blocking me!" She said as I smiled at her.

"Yep!" I said as I grabbed my last bag and walked out of what was my room. "Funny Edward, who you are begging for your mate yet don't know her, but are still making everyone leave to protect your blood bag. I wonder who you would choose if you were forced to?" I asked as Edward looked at me hurt.

"How are you blocking me?" Alice asked, making me laugh at her.

"What scared you can't see what I am doing? Scared you can run to my brother and have him stop me from leaving knowing damn well I hate you and refuse to protect you? Especially you and Edward!" I asked everyone but Rosalie and Emmett looked shocked. Emmett looked hurt that I was leaving. Rosalie looked sad but happy for me. She walked up and hugged me.

She was the only one that wanted me to be happy. Even my brother was holding me back from being happy. And I hated him for it. I didn't understand what happened to make him act this way. All I know is that Alice was the reason everyone started to change towards me. She did something or said something that made them push me away. I walked out to my car and smiled at the gift that was in it. Demetri had sent it a few days ago and told me not to open it until I was five states away from my coven.

I had gotten word from my little mate that she needed to take care of a few things before she came to see me

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I had gotten word from my little mate that she needed to take care of a few things before she came to see me. I smiled as I was having all kinds of outfits made for her. Ones that would look amazing on her but better once I took them off. I groaned as I was horny and in need of her. More like I wanted her as I was growing tired of waiting for her.

"So when is your little mate showing up?" Felix asked as he sat in my room as I unpacked a few of the dresses I got her.

"She has to take care of something and then we are meeting in Greece." I told him as I smiled at the clothes I was going to be packing for her. I wanted to see her wear a few of these. Ones from my time when I was human. "My guess is she is punishing the ones that are trying to keep her away from me." I said as I smirked at Felix.

"Good they deserve to be punished for keeping her away from you." He said as I nodded my head at him. "How has it been going? Just talking to her?" He asked as I smiled at him.

"Really well... We have talked about everything. She knows I am a tracker and we have talked about most of her powers." I said as Felix looked at me confused. "She hasn't figured out a few of the powers. She said it's like she has to unlock them. The other day she found out that she can shield herself from the mind reader." I said as Felix looked at me thoughtfully.

"I wonder what all she can do?" He asked as I nodded my head at him.

"I don't care as long as I get to have her in my arms soon. It is growing more difficult to be away from her." I said as Felix chuckled at me.

"Then don't you think you should tell her that she is your mate instead of dancing around it?" He asked, making me sigh as I knew he was right but I didn't want to scare her away.

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