3.4 That is your problem

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I smiled as my mate laid naked in our bed. I smiled as she looked like she was sleeping. I loved just watching her. It didn't matter what she did. I sighed as I knew that the mind reader and her brother were on their way to us. Or at least by us. It had been a few days since Madalynn met up with Emma, Edward's true mate. But Madalynn never told them where we were staying or that we were still in the area.

I went to lay with my mate as I loved feeling her skin against mine. Even though this led us to having more sex then I did before I was with her. I know we can thank the mate bound for that. But I still loved to lay with her. It was something I wasn't used to but very much like.

Felix had called earlier and told us that more humans were going missing and that they would be coming soon and that we needed to get home before anything happened to my mate. I was still upset about that as my mate was my world and I would fight like hell to keep her safe. A knock on the door broke me from my thoughts and made my mate cover up. I growled as I liked having her naked and ready for me to take when I wanted. I knew she liked it too. I think I need to buy us a place of our own. Maybe in Greece somewhere we can go and live as a couple. Whoever was at our door knocked again making me growl as I grabbed my pants and put them on. I knew who was at the door but I just didn't want to answer it.

"Mi Amor! You need to get dressed as your brother is here." I whispered into her ear, making her groan as she rolled over and revealing her chest. I licked my lips as I looked at her.

"Mads... Open this door!" Her brother yelled. She smiled at me and sat up. She got onto her knees and removed the sheet that was covering her body.

"Soon my love!" She said as she kissed me. I tried to deeping it but they knocked even louder. I growled as I fixed myself before putting on a shirt. I opened the door to see not only Emmett and Edward but the human. I glared at her as she tried to hide behind Edward. "She is not welcome here. So you will need to put your dog in the car if you want to talk." Madalynn said as she came out in a sundress that I wanted to rip off of her.

"Bella had an unknown visiter in her room today." Edward said as I glared at him. I had not moved to let them into our room. "We wanted to ask if she could stay with you until we are able to find this vampire and take care of him." He asked, Making Madalynn scoff.

"I believe my mate has told you many times that she will not keep you human whore safe. Shouldn't you be worried about your mate over some human blood bag?" I asked as The human looked at me shocked.

"I am! But she is human like you said. And It is my fault that this is happening." Edward said as I scoffed at him.

"Yes! Disobeying our laws does that!" I said with a smile. Edward looked at me scared as Emmett smirked. "You can leave as my mate will not be helping you! As it is, you are still marked for death! For breaking out laws. And I will not let you tie my mate's life to your fate. I have also told them about your mate being turned and how she wants no part in all of this but that you are making her and how she wants to leave you." I said as Edward looked at me shocked. "We are willing to offer her a place with us as she has a rare gift just like Madalynn." I said as Edward growled at me.

"My mate won't leave me." He said as I smiled at him.

"Not yet but she will! I am sure she is growing tired of the human and you and Alice making everything about the human." I said as Edward looked at me and then the hunam. I smiled and she looked at me annoyed. "I bet she told you to leave Madalynn alone and that she has made it clear that she wants nothing to do with any of you including her own brother." I said as he looked down at the ground. "Like I said before, you are pathetic. One day you will have no one by your side as everyone sees you are just a little boy playing as a grown man." I said as Emmett smiled at me.

"Leave!" Madalynn said as she stood next to me. "And if you leave her I will hand her over without a second thought about it." She said as I smiled at her. She was growing more confident in herself and what she wanted out of her life.

"Look I am sorry! Please help keep me safe!" The human asked as Madalynn laughed at her.

"That will not be happening. The Volturi don't interact with humans unless they are food." I said, making her gulp at me.

"Madalynn isn't Volturi!" Her brother said as I smiled at him.

"But I am... And since Madalynn is my mate she will remain with me! Wherever I go she will go. She may not be a member but she does live there with them." I said as Emmett nodded his head. "And Aro will know that she is still alive once we return." I said as Edward looked at me scared.

"Madalynn please..." Edward pleaded with her.

"This is your problem Edward not mine. I made it clear from day one that I would never help you or her. Emma is a different story. But then again I like her." She said as Edward nodded his head and started to walk away. "And Edward... I wouldn't take your mate for granted for too long. She does leave you! And not even Bella will be able to heal you from that pain." She said as she smirked at him. He looked scared as he left with Emmett and the human. I smiled at my mate as I closed the door.

"We need to get ready to leave. Aro wants us back." I said as she nodded her head at me.

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