1.13 That's your problem!

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I sat in the living room reading a book while Carlisle talked with one of the members of the nomad coven

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I sat in the living room reading a book while Carlisle talked with one of the members of the nomad coven. The Redhead was out helping James. Esme kept looking at me and sighing. Rosalie had stopped her from talking to me a few times already. Jasper sat down next to me.

"Madalynn..." He said, I huffed before I looked at him. "I am sorry that we all hurt you. But do you think it is a good idea to turn your back on us?" He asked as I nodded my head at him before going back to reading. "I am sorry you feel that way. We only wanted to keep you safe." He says before standing and walking over to Carlisle. I look at Rosalie and she gives me a sad smile.

Not even 30 minutes later my brother and the others showed up with the reason they are in this mess. Bella walked over to me and sat down. "I am sorry they hurt you. But I didn't and don't deserve to be hunted down like some animal." Bella says, making me laugh at her.

"Oh! You don't see it!" I say as everyone looks at me confused. "This is both yours and Edward's fault. See you are not meant to know about us. But you kept digging into our lives. You are food, nothing more, never forget that! Edward is breaking our law by having you around and letting you know about us. He is not only killing you but all of us as well. So if you think I am going to help him keep you safe... and put myself in even more danger of being executed than think again. You mean nothing to me, so I have no obligation to keep you alive." I said, Bella scoffed as she glared at me. I sent a wave of pain her way, making her gasp as she grabbed her head and started to scream. "Never, for one minute, think you mean anything to me. Because you are with him! He means nothing to me!" I yell as I point at Edward. Edward ran over to her.

"I am sorry... I just want all of you to like me!" She said as she held her head. "I just wanted you to help keep me safe. I mean Edward cares for me! Why do you hate me?" She says with a scream at the end. I smile at her.

"Because you don't mean anything to me. Edward is not my family! Meaning you are nothing to me. I protect my family and only them!" I say as Bella looks at me hurt. I stop my powers on her. "Teach your blood bag her place! She is not one of us and never will be. She is just your next slip up!" I say as Edward looks at me sad. He helps Bella up off the floor and walks her out of the living room. Edward walks back in and starts to pace.

"Madalynn... I am sorry, would you at least help keep her father safe?" He asks as I smile at him.

"That is also your problem! I am hoping the redhead kills him just for the fun of it. Maybe then your little blood bitch will realize that she is not one of us and does not get a say in what we do or who we help." I say with a snarl as Bella walks into the living room again. I could see the tears running down her face. Edward looks at me shocked.

"Mads..." Emmett says as I still glare at Edward. Edward huffs as he looks from me to Emmett.

"I am sorry, what more do you want from me?" Edward says almost pleading with me.

"For you to stop thinking only of yourself. Every time you find a blood singer this happens. You only think about yourself. Then the rest of us have to keep your bitch alive until you kill her. So kill her and get it over with." I yell as Edward shakes his head. "Wait that's right you... want to be happy and in love. Everyone else be damned." I say as Edward looks at me and sighs.

"That is not what I am trying to do." Edward says as I laugh.

"Ok so let me bring a boy over and have him find out about what we are." I say as Edward growls at me. "So it's ok for you but not me?" I ask as Edward finally sees what I have been getting at.

"I have sentenced us all to death." He says, looking at Bella. Carlisle walks up to him and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Yep! And I for one don't want to die! Again! For you or for her!" I say, pointing at Bella. I stand and walk away.

"I'm with her!" Rosalie says as Emmett and her follow me. I walk out on the back deck and take a deep breath.

"Mads... I know we have all hurt you. I am so sorry about my part in all of it." Emmett says as he walks up behind me. "But, please can you try to be nicer? I know you have no reason. But if this is going to be your last week with us then shouldn't you make it the best." He says as I scoff at him.

"Why... When they don't try for me. Why should I try for them?" I ask as I look out into the woods. Emmett walks up next to me and puts his arm around my shoulders.

"She is right, Emmett. They are just doing whatever Alice and Edward say. They don't care about anyone else!" Rosalie says as I nod my head in agreement with her. I knew they were watching us. I could feel them and their emotions. Edward and Alice were annoyed, Jasper and Esme were sad and Carlisle felt guilty. Bella was pissed that the attention wasn't on her any more. Carlisle walked out and over to me and Emmett.

"Madalynn, once this is over I would like to sit down with you and talk. You are right we have been overlooking everyone else and we need to fix that." Carlisle says, I look at him for a moment after I read his mind. I nod my head as he really wants to fix the coven.

"Fine, but I am still not helping him!" I say, moving my head in Edwards direction. Carlisle nods his head at me before walking back inside.

"I am going to help as I have been looking for a good fight." Emmett says, making me roll my eyes at him.

"Fine, you just lost more time with me!" I say as Emmett looks at me hurt and then gives me a pointed look, making me sigh and nod my head at him. 

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