1.6 Here we go again!

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It was pathetic to watch Edward try to talk to Bella

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It was pathetic to watch Edward try to talk to Bella. He wanted to know her but for her not to know about us. Rosalie and I thought it was all around a bad idea where Alice thought it was good since she saw them together and she was a vampire. I rolled my eyes at her anytime she would talk about Bella.

"Madalynn... What do you think?" Alice asks as I just look at her. I have stopped talking to all of them besides my brother and Rosalie. I hear Alice huff as I still refuse to talk to her.

"Mads..." My brother says, making me look at him. "What do you think?" He asks as I shrug my shoulders at him.

"Don't know why my appenoy matters. Edward will do whatever he wants and then when shit hits the fan I will be blamed for it!" I say as Edward looks at me hurt. "But when the Volturi come for us I will only protect Rose and my brother." I say as Everyone looks at me shocked.

"You don't mean that do you?" Alice asks as I just smile at her.

"She does!" Rosalie says as She gives me a hug. "I mean what she is saying is true." She says as I stand to leave.

I hated that my sister felt that way

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I hated that my sister felt that way. I heard her and Rose talking about all of this and it broke my undead heart that she feels this way. Madalynn even told Rose that she wished that I left her to die. The rest of our family heard as well. I was pissed that they treated her badly. It made me want to take my mate and my sister and leave.

"I feel bad!" Alice says as Rosalie scoffs at her and I growl at her.

"You should since you are the first one to blame her for everyone else's mistakes." I say as Alice looks down in shame. Jasper wraps his arms around her.

"When she finds out who her mate is she will either go with him or just leave us." Rosalie says as I look at her shocked. "She is tired of being used and blamed and lied to. She said that we are her only family. That you and I are the only ones she cares about." She says as she only looks at me. "I am tired of lying to her. She has a right to know who her mate is and decide if she wants to be with him." She says as I sigh. I know she is right but Demetri does not deserve my sister as his mate.

"But he doesn't deserve her!" I say as Rosalie sighs at me.

"That is true. But she has a right to make that call on her own." Rosalie says as I nod my head at her.

Over the next few days Edward kept giving Bella more and more clues to what we are. Madalynn kept pulling further and further away from all of us. It got to the point that we would only see her at school. And maybe for a few minutes here and there. I would go looking for her but knew she was using her gifts to stay hidden from all of us.

"MADALYNN!" I yelled as I knew she would hear me.

"What?" I hear her say as She stands behind me. I smile at my baby sister.

"I haven't seen you in a while, I just want to make sure you are ok!" I say as she looks so hurt and so alone. I wrap my arms around her and just hug her.

I feel this tug on my heart and then this wave of sadness

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I feel this tug on my heart and then this wave of sadness. I need to find Marcus and see what he thinks it could mean. I walk into the throne room to see him reading in there. "Master!" I say as I bow my head at him.

"Demetri... What can I do for you?" He asks as I try to find the words.

"I keep feeling this tug on my heart and waves of sadness." I tell him as he nods his head at me.

"You were close to your mate. You are feeling what she feels. It is rare but it has happened before. She is sad and hurt." He says as I growl under my breath.

"Do you think they hurt her, hurt her?" I ask not being able to say what I really mean.

"NO! I don't think so. I don't think her brother would allow that. If I remember correctly he was the one that turned her, after she was attacked." He says as I nod my head I am still worried about my mate and I do not like her feeling sad. "Have you thought about when you want to go and get her?" He asks as I sigh. "I know you, Demetri, you are scared that she will reject you. But from what you are feeling it seems like she needs you just as much as you need her!" He says as I nod my head.

"I want her here with me. But yes I am scared she will reject me because of who I am and what others think about me." I say as Marcus nods his head at me.

"You never know Demetri... She may just surprise you!" He says as I smile at him. Aro walks in and smiles at me.

"Is everything alright?" He asks as I nod my head at him.

"Just talking! Demetri had some questions about the mate bond." Marcus says as I give him a sheepish smile.

"Yes when will you be going and getting your mate?" Aro asks as sigh.

"I don't know yet. There are a few things I want to talk with Marcus about before I bring her back to the coven. I want to make sure that I am ready and that I will be able to answer her questions if she has any and I want to get our room ready before she comes, that way she feels welcome by me." I say as Aro nods his head.

"Every well... I think that is acceptable... You are thinking about your mate and I agree with that." Aro says as I smile at him. "But one thing you should really do." Aro says as I look at him confused. "Stop bringing others into your room. Your mate will not like that and she won't feel welcome!" Aro says as I nod my head in understanding. That is going to be my first change for my mate. No more other women in my room. Everything will need to be cleaned or changed.

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