4.2 Aro

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	I stood looking at the grand castel of the Volturi coven

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I stood looking at the grand castel of the Volturi coven. I hated it here. Everyone wants something from you. Emma shifted next to me as Bree held on to the both of us. She knew that Demetri and Felix wouldn't hurt her but the rest of them, she didn't believe they were as nice as them. She knew Jane wasn't and was more than willing to use her gift on her and the rest of us. "Over my alive body will they try to harm you!" I hissed as Demetri side eyed me. Felix chuckled as he shook his head.

"Don't worry little one. Aro has been warned to not try to harm you!" Felix said as he pulled her into a hug. I looked over at Demetri and he was smirking.

"She is a member of our coven. Much like a daughter to the both of us. They harm her, they harm both of us. And I won't let that happen." Demetri said and Bree giggled and hugged him. I smiled at him and leaned over and kissed him.

"OK! Can we get this over with?" Emma asked, making me laugh. Felix kissed her and took her hand. Demetri took mine but I stopped and grabbed Bree's. She smiled at me as we all walked into the castle. I held my head high as we walked. Emma followed my lead but Bree was clinging to me and kept her eyes on the ground. She was still young in her human life and now her undead life. I wasn't surprised when we saw Heidi waiting for us. She was back to herself as Demetri had asked me to change her back as the Volturi needed her to bring in their meals. I agreed but made it clear that I will kill her if she crosses me again.

Heidi looked at me and then Emma and Bree. She smirked before opening the doors to the throne room. Emma growled at her. "Turn her back to the ugly hag!" Emma hissed, making Heidi jump and Felix slapped her ass.

"Be nice my mate. She is just the coven whore." He said, making Heidi pout at him.

"Neither of you seemed to mind being with me. As a matter of fact you both used to love being in my bed with me." She said and Emma sent her a deathly glare.

"Only because of your gift. We always felt dirty afterwards." Demetri said as he walked past her, still holding my hand. Bree hissed at her as we passed. I didn't say anything or even look at her. I could tell she was hurt by his words.

"I mean you weren't even that good. Now my mate... She not only fulfills my needs but loves me and is out for herself. Like you are." Felix said and we all heard something break. Bree tried to look but I squeezed her hand stopping her.

"Awe... Demetri... Felix and their beautiful mates. And who is this?" Aro asked as he walked closer to us. Bree looked nervous as he stood in front of her. But she kept looking over at Alec confused as he looked at her confused.

"Her name is Bree. Madalynn and I adopted her. She was turned for the newborn army that attacked the Olympic coven." Demetri said as he held out his hand for Aro to take. Aro took it with a smile.

"How disturbing..." Aro said as he looked to the other main members of his coven. "It seems that you were right, Cauis. Carlisle had lied to us about what had happened to the Greek coven." He said as Cauis shifted in his seat. "Did you bring the book with you?" He asked and I looked at Demetri.

"I have." He said and I glared at him. He gave me a look that said we will talk about this later. He handed over the book and Aro looked at him surprised.

"I am glad." He said as he flipped to the page that was marked. He sat on his throne as Marcus and Cauis moved around him. After a few minutes Aro slammed the book shout. "This is most disturbing!" He said as he handed the book to Marcus. who opened it again and read a few pages.

"Aro." He said and Aro glared at him. He was the reason for my mats death." He said and I was confused. I mean I had heard about his mate and how Aro had killed her for betraying the coven but it was never said what she had done to them to earn death. I watched as a sad look made its way onto Aro's face.

"They must pay for this Aro. They are the reason our friends were slaughtered by those disgusting animals." Cauis said as he took the book. I was surprised they only cared about what had happened to the original coven and not all the other parts of it. Cauis walked up to me and handed me the book. "Thank you! This means a lot to my mate." He said and I raised my eyebrow. "She was a member of that coven. She was there that night." He said before walking back to his throne.

"She was the only one to survive that night!" Demetri said, making me understand why he was so upset by all of this. He almost lost his mate and Marcus did all because of one vampire. I opened the book looking for what I needed. I found it.

"I don't think Carlisle was working alone." I say as I turn the book around. Aro looks at me questionable. "I am in no way trying to lessen what he has done. But if there was another person helping him then they too should face the same punishment." I said as the three leaders of the coven looked at me. I sighed. "For me to walk those halls... I can hear their laughter, crying, their screams of pain and their deaths." I said as I held out my hand to Aro. He looked at me shocked as I have never offered my hand to him. He stood up and walked to me. "I think I figured out how to not take someone's gift. But I have also figured out how to show my own gift." I said as I smiled down at Bree.

"And you are willing to show me?" Aro asked as he stood in front of me. I nodded my head.

"I think you will be the only one to truly understand what I am going through." I said and Demetri looked hurt. "Since you hear thoughts through touch." I said and Felix stepped up.

"This morning when I found you crying in the old hall? They were there weren't they?" He asked and I nodded my head. Demetri looked at me concerned.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked and I shook my head. I held my hand out to Aro again. He took it and gasped. I closed my eyes and showed him all that has happened to me since living in the old Greek coven. When his eyes opened a tear ran down my face. He wiped it away.

"You my dear are something special. I think you are right!" He said before turning to his coven members. "Do you think there is room?" He asked and I smiled at him. "We are going to go and visit the new and old greek coven" He said as Demetri looked at me before nodding his head.

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