4.9 Black storm coming

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I watched my mate as she laid in our bed

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I watched my mate as she laid in our bed. I looked out at the storm that was headed right for us. It wasn't like any other storm I had seen in my lifetime. I knew it was a sign that something bad was headed our way. It wasn't until I looked at the mail that was left in our room did I know what was coming for us.

If you think you can destroy me and all I built you are wrong.

I killed one of your kind already and I will do it again.

I made you. You owe me your life.

It wasn't signed but I knew who it was from. Carlisle Cullen. It was sent to Italy first and then to us. I growled as I stormed out of our room. I didn't want Madalynn to worry about this. She already had enough on her plate. I walked into the secret room looking for anything that could help me. I knew I couldn't go to Aro and the other kings just yet as they would see us as a threat. Felix came in and sat in the chair.

"You know we have seen many things in our life but this is something that I never would have thought possible." He said as I nodded my head flipping through books. There had to be more on the other copycats. "How can I help?" He asked as he stood up and walked over to me.

"I think you mean we. How can we help?" Alec said from the door. Emma and Bree standing behind him. "Madalynn is our family as well. And if they want a fight then they will get one!" He said as I smiled at them.

"I need to find something on the other copycats. We have to know more. If we can show that our family isn't a danger then maybe Aro and the kings will help us. As it is right now they will kill Madalynn. They won't understand that she is able to do this. And I fear they might want to use her." I said and they all agreed with me. They all walked in and took a book.

"How is she?" Bree asked as I looked at her concerned.

"Tired..." I said as I grabbed another book. "It's like there is something missing and it is taking its toll on her. I noticed it before but she just brushed it all off." I said and Bree sighed.

"Could it be because of her brother?" Emma asked as she held a note in her hand.

"I mean it could. She did say she missed him." Felix said as he read a book. "She did say she missed him. Before the wedding." He said and I nodded my head.

"What is that?" I asked as I pointed at the note.

"It arrived yesterday." Emma said as she handed me the note. "It was sent here." She said as I flipped it over and saw that it was sent by Emmett McCarthy to me. I looked at it for a few minutes before I sat down and opened it.


I know that you and I don't see eye to eye on many things but one thing we do is my baby sister. I know Carlisle is hiding something and whatever that is is big. And whatever it is he wants my sister involved in. I won't stand for that. No matter what, please know that I love my sister. She is all the family I have left. They used me just like they did her.

It hurts me that I missed watching you marry my sister. I am sure she looked beautiful. And I wish I could have walked her down the aisle like we had always planned. But I understand that I have caused her a lot of hurt and I now have to live with that.

My mate and I have left the Olympic coven. We are headed your way but I wasn't sure if we would be welcome. I do not want to upset or hurt my sister more than I already have. If she is ok with it please call us. We are staying at the Grand Shore Hotel here in Grease.


"Emmett and his mate are here in Grease." I said as everyone just stood there watching me. "He left the Olympic coven." I said and they all looked shocked.

"It was only a matter of time." Emma said as I looked at her worried. "I figured that they were using Jasper to make me stay. And when he wasn't around Emmett was sad and moppy. Almost like he was missing a piece of himself." She said and I sighed.

"Madalynn!" I said and they all looked to the door. "I have heard stories about the bond of siblings. It isn't as strong as mates but it is almost as strong. When they are away for long periods of time they grow sad. They are missing each other." I said and Felix nodded his head as he took the letter from me and read it.

"Then maybe you should talk to her about it." Alec said but he was looking off at something.

"Are you missing Jane?" Bree asked and he shook his head.

"No!" He said and Emma sighed. "I thought I would but I don't, it has been nice to be able to do my own thing." He said and Emma laughed. It wasn't her normal laugh but an uneasy one.

"Sorry... This may be why." She said as she looked down at the ground. "Emmett turned her when she was close to death. It wasn't Carlisle like he wants everyone to believe. Emmett refused to lose her." She said and I frowned at her.

"How do you know this?" Felix asked and she let out a big breath.

"Emmett told me. It was one of the times Jasper was away and Edward was with Bella. Emmett had gone back to check on his family and heard about Madalynn's wedding. So he stayed and waited as he knew the man she was marrying. He wasn't happy that his family had sold Madalynn." She said and I frowned at her. "When he brought her back. Carlisle was pissed. He wanted Emmett to kill her and move on with his new life." She said and I looked at her shocked.

"They didn't know that she was powerful?" Bree asked and Emma shook her head.

"It wasn't until later did she show she had any form of a gift. Edward's gift." She said and I frowned. "When she took the next gift they knew that she was different." She said as she looked at the door. When I looked there stood my beautiful mate.

"What are you all doing, in here?" She asked and I chuckled.

"Umm... How do I say this?" I said as she just looked at us all confused.

"We have a storm headed our way and it is not the one right outside." I said and she still looked confused. "Your brother sent this. He is here in Grease and has left the Olympic coven." I said handing over the note to her. I watched as she read it and frowned. "But this came before it. It was sent to Italy and then here. I am guessing they don't know where our coven is located." I said as I pulled the other note out of my pocket. She read that one and laughed.

"I owe him my life?" She growled out. 

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