2.3 Leaving

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I was shocked that Madalynn had unlocked more of her powers and didn't tell me

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I was shocked that Madalynn had unlocked more of her powers and didn't tell me. But I was also worried that she would find out about her and Demetri. I didn't want my sister to hate me more than she already did. I truly only did it to protect her. She deserves to be with someone that will take care of her and not break her heart. I stood by her car as she put her things inside of it. Carlisle and Esme brought out a box that she had left."You forgot these!" Esme said as Madalynn didn't even look at her. I looked and it had the necklace and bracelet with the Cullen crest on it as well as a few other things that they had given her.

"I didn't forget anything. I am not taking any of that." Madalynn said as Emse looked at her hurt.

"We should have never hurt you. We knew you were struggling with Jasper's power and we ignored what was going on. We should have listened to you." Carlisle said, making Madalynn laugh.

"It's funny how you say that, yet never change how you treat me. You still blamed me for something I didn't do even after you found out the truth." Madalynn said as I knew that she wasn't just saying that to them because she was looking at me as she said it. "You always chose Edward's and Alice's side even though I could prove they were lying. You never listened to anyone but them." Madalynn said as Edward and Alice looked guilty. "But know that doesn't matter as I am no longer a part of your coven. And I never will be again." Madalynn says and I was hurt. She was really leaving me and Rosalie. If I could, I would cry.

"Where will you go?" Carlisle asked, making Madalynn smile over at Edward.

"First... I am going to kill Edward's true mate. Then wherever I want. As you all won't stand in my way anymore. No more lies!" Madalynn said as she smiled at Edward.

"Please Madalynn don't do this..." Edward begged as he stepped closer to him. "I am sorry... I should have told everyone the truth. That I killed her... But I didn't want to face what I had done as I loved her. It was easier to blame you as you were having a hard time. When my eyes told the truth about me being the one to kill her everyone was mad at me and Alice for lying to them. Emmett was beside himself as he looked for you." He said as I growled at the memory. I hated that I didn't listen to my sister.

"Too little too late. The damage you all did was already done." She hissed at him. "I once thought of you as family... But now you are just a selfish ass who thinks because he can read the minds of others that he is better. But you are not. Truly there is nothing special about you when I look into your future you are alone with no one because you think you are always right.

 Truly there is nothing special about you when I look into your future you are alone with no one because you think you are always right

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We all watched as Madalynn hugged Rosalie and then gave Emmett a hug. She whispered something to him but we couldn't hear it. She truly was becoming powerful. I sighed as she left, I never meant to hurt her so bad. I looked at Alice and she looked sad. "This wasn't how I saw it happening. She was never meant to leave the coven. She was going to bring Demetri here to live with us." She said as everyone looked at her shocked.

"What do you mean Alice?" Jasper asked as he too was confused by what she had said.

"A few days ago. I had a vision of Demetri leaving the Volturi and joining our coven. So he could be with Madalynn." She said as we were all shocked. "But now I can't see Madalynn. I don't know what will happen. I have tried to focus on Demetri but I can't see him either." She said as she shook her head.

"Why didn't you say anything about this?" Emmett asked as Rosalie glared at her. "We could have told her... That her mate was out there and we knew who it was. But instead you hide it from everyone." Emmett growled as he punched a giant hole in the wall.

"I was happy as she was going to stay with us and that we would be adding to the coven. I didn't want to ruin anything. Like I have before." Alice said as Rosalie scoffed at her.

"I'm not sure I believe a word that comes out of your mouth anymore. You have lied one too many times." Rosalie said before walking away from us.

"What happens now?" Jasper asked as I know he was hurt by not only what had happened with Bella but by the way we have treated Madalynn.

"We leave to keep Bella safe and human. That doesn't change. I will try to find my mate before Madalynn can hurt her. What you all do is up to you." I said as Carlisle nodded his head at me.

"If you find your mate. Being her home. Maybe then Madalynn will change her mind about leaving the coven." Emse said as I gave her a half smile. I doubt it would but there was always a chance that it could happen.

"I am going to stay behind until Bella gets out of school tomorrow. I will tell her that we are leaving and never coming back." I said as Carlisle looked at me and nodded his head.

"Hopefully she will be able to move on!" Carlisle said as I nodded my head this time.

"I just hope Madalynn will be able to forgive us all one day." Jasper said before walking away. I hoped the same thing. We used to be like best friends. But I ruined that when I lied about her killing Amber.

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