4.14 Laughable

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I smiled as I watched my husband and son run around on a beautiful day

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I smiled as I watched my husband and son run around on a beautiful day. "Momma!" I heard my son scream before a fit of laughter took him over. I shook my head as I crawled over to them.

"OH! No, little one. I think momma is hungry!" Demetri said with a smile my way. I smirked as I reached them. Our son looked scared and I started to laugh. Even though he was only a few months old he looked to be about 5. It scared me as I wasn't sure if we would have the time we wanted with him. We tried our best not to show how scared we were. But we were sure Jace knew.

"Don't worry little one. Momma would never feed from you!" I said with fake pout. "But that little tummy does look good!" I said before I started to tickle him. Demetri joined in. After a few minutes I stopped and watched father and son lay in the grass.

"Stop over-thinking!" I heard Rosalie say. I shook my head fighting back my tears.

"How can I not?" I asked as I watched my son roll into my husband's side and fall asleep.

"You and Demetri have all the time in the world to be with him." She said as she moved to sit next to me. I sighed as I watched Demetri pick our son up and carry him to the house. "We got this today!" She said and handed me a note. I took it and read.

"So she has turned?" I said and Rosalie nodded her head.

"So it seems!" She said with a sneer. I knew she hated that human just as much if not more than me. "Though I am a little surprised. Ed-Dorko was so determined to keep her human at all cost." She said and I smiled at her. I couldn't help the laughter that slipped from my lips. She started to laugh as well.

"What is so funny?" Emma asked as she walked over with Bree.

"Just something we used to call someone!" I said and Emma raised her eyebrow at me. I waved her off not wanting to talk about them again. "Come, let's get inside. There is a storm coming!" I said as our nice day would soon be leaving us. We walked in to find the guys sitting and talking in the living room.

 We walked in to find the guys sitting and talking in the living room

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I frowned as I got a call from Aro. It seems that the Olympic coven have been planning something. Aro had found another seer and she had been keeping an eye on them. They had a child much like Jace. But a girl. She is spoiled and mean. Just like her mother. Then there was the wolf that was always around. I frowned as I watched my mate talk with our family. They had told us all about the wolves and what they really were. "What do you need from me?" I asked with a frown on my face. Alec and Felix were watching me from the living room.

"I need you and the rest of your coven to be ready when I call. It is almost time to stop them before they take any more lives." Aro said and I nodded my head. I knew what he meant and I was more than ready for the battle that would soon come.

"Of course my king! You know we will always be ready when you need us." I said and you could almost hear him smile that was now on his face.

"But will Madalynn and the others be ready?" He asked and I smiled at this.

"They will be. They want this all to stop as well." I said and I heard Aro laugh.

"That is good to hear!" He said before hanging up on me. I frowned as I walked over to my mate.

"It seems they are starting again." I said and everyone tensed.

"Then we should as well. We will need as many of our kind against them." Emmett said and I smiled. I talked with him many times about what had happened and what they had planned for Madalynn. He was more than willing to fight against them. He was ready to protect his family.

I frowned as I watched my love become what I was

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I frowned as I watched my love become what I was. I never wanted this to happen. Alice had told me that as long as Madalynn was on our side that Bella would remain human. That the Volturi would go up against someone as powerful as her. But we had to keep her away from her mate. I knew it was wrong but Bella was my everything.

"She will make it Edward." Alice said as We both watched her. She was still.

"You promised me she would remain human." I said as Esme handed me our daughter.

"Yes as long as Madalynn stayed by our side. She is not by our side. She left us as well as Emmett and Rosalie." She hissed at me. I frowned as I tried to read her mind. She was looking for them. The only way we knew how to even contact Madalynn was through the Volturi. And even then we weren't sure if they were getting our letters. I guess you cou;d call them threats. Carlisle was pissed as he had plans for Madalynn. That was why he had us bring her back all those years ago. He didn't care if I had killed yet another blood singer. He didn't care that we all turned on Madalynn. He wanted her blood. Since she still had blood that ran through her vain. Calisle knew what she was and he knew that she was the key to changing all of our lives.

"Madalynn will return as well as Rosalie and Emmett when they hear about this child." Carlisle said and I shook my head. Renemsnee was in more danger if they knew about her they would never believe us. Not even if she showed them.

"I doubt that Madalynn would come anywhere near here now that she found her mate!" I hissed hating the fact that we were all now in danger because of me. If I had just stayed away from Bella none of this would be happening. Madalynn would be here and Carlisle would have gotten what he wanted from her. "And I can put my daughter in danger." I said, making them all sigh.

"Do you really believe they would hurt her?" Esme asked and I frowned at her. If they knew it would hurt me and Bella then yes they would harm my child.

"Alice and luck finding where they are?" Carlisle asked, looking even more pissed.

"NO! She is blocking me." She said with a pout. "Her powers have grown. She is even able to block the Volturi from me. I don't know what they are up to." She said and this was concerning.

"What does that mean?" Asked the mut.

"It means that they could be here any day and we wouldn't know!" I hissed as I looked back at my sleeping wife. I missed Emma. I missed my mate. I was stupid to think I could have them both. I longed for my mate to be back in my arms. But I knew that would never happen now.

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