4.1 Time to Live!

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	I watched as Madalynn sent a letter to her brother

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I watched as Madalynn sent a letter to her brother. I knew what it held and I knew that a war was going to be on our hands once the truth was known to our kind. Aro had sent a letter with Felix asking for forgiveness as he knew he was wrong to try and trap Madalynn in his coven. Felix explained how he had been locking himself in his room and pacing the halls when he thought no one was looking. Talking to himself about what he did wrong. Where he went wrong. I sighed as I wondered the same thing. "How do you think he will take me asking to leave?" Felix asked and I sighed again as I looked out the window of our living room.

"I wish I knew!" I said, making Felix sigh and shake his head. "Lead with that you found your mate. Maybe then he will be happy and then ask to leave to be with your mate." I said and he nodded his head.

"That may be a good way to start. Or I could just not go back." He said and I frowned at him. He chuckled before smirking at me.

"What if I offered an alliance with them? That may make it easier for you to leave and be here with Emma. It might also help with whatever Aro is having trouble with!" I said and Felix smiled at me. "I would have to talk with Madalynn but I don't see why we can't work with the Volturi. Especially now that we know that Carlisle had lied about the Greek coven." I said and Felix growled about that. He was there that night as well. We had arrived too late to save the coven. The only one to survive was Caius mate. He now keeps her locked in the castle.

"So how do we go about bringing this all up to your mate?" He asked and I smirked at him before turning my head to find not only my mate but his and Bree standing there with their arms crossed. I heard Felix gulp as he and Emma locked eyes.

I smiled at my mate and blew her a kiss. "Hello my love!" I said as I stood up and walked over to her. She held a small smirk.

"What are you two up to?" She asked and I smiled even more at her.

"Just thinking of ways to destroy the Olympic Coven and Keep the Volturi at bay from us." I said and she hummed at me. "Or at least on our side!" I said and she nodded her head.

"Well... what have you come up with?" Bree asked as she took a seat on the couch. Emma walked over to Felix and shook her head at him before sitting on his lap.

"Well... I want to join the Greek coven to be with my mate." Felix said and Emma smiled at him. "We were trying to figure out a way for me to tell them that I was leaving without them blaming you and Emma." He said and I nodded my head.

"And with what you found in the secret room..." I said and Madalynn nodded her head.

"We hold a lot of evidence against the Olympic coven." She said and I nodded my head.

"I want to... Join our covens in a way. Make it so that we are like one coven. But I won't do that without your ok, first." I said and Madalynn nodded her head.

"Then let's come up with a plan. One that protects us as well as keeps us free to be our own coven." Emma said with a smile before kissing Felix.

I stood at the back door just holding the letter from my sister

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I stood at the back door just holding the letter from my sister. I wanted to open it but was scared to read what she had written. Rosalie sighed and took the letter from me. She opened it and read it before handing it to me. She still held a small card.

Dearest Brother,

I wish things were different between us. I wish it was like when we were alive. Though I wish Rosalie was there with us. I am truly happy that you found her. She makes you whole and I want nothing but happiness for you! Please know that I do love you and I always will as you are my brother. My flesh and blood. But things you believe are not the whole truth. I just hope you can see what I have seen before it is too late.

There will always be a place for you and Rosalie when you finally realize that you are being lied to.

I stopped reading when I heard Rosalie speak. "She also sent this." She said as she handed the small card to Edward. "Read it out loud!" Rosalie said with a glare at Edward and Bella.

"Thank you for the invite but we will not be attending your wedding to the human blood bag. P.S. Emma has found her true mate. It took me a second to figure out why she didn't see it before but now I know. Messing with the mate bond is punishable by death, Jasper." Edward hissed out. I was confused as to what that meant as Edward climbed to be her true mate. I looked at Jasper as Alice looked at him scared.

"Keep reading! There is more!" Rosalie growled at him. I looked back at Edward and he glared at Rosalie. So I took the card from him.

"P.S.S. We know what you have done. And we will not stand by and let you get away with the death of a whole coven!" I read and looked at Carlisle. Everyone besides Edward and Esme looked at them confused. Carlisle looked scared as he walked over to me and took the card from his hand. That wasn't Madalynn handwritten. I knew as I held her letter in my hand.

"It is Demetri's handwriting." Carlisle said in a shaky voice. "If he knows then so does Aro." He whispered to himself but we all heard it.

"So they are not coming?" Bella finally asked as she pouted. "You said that they would be coming!" She said as she looked at Alice. Alice and Jasper were whispering to each other not listening to what was going on around them. "Alice, you said that they were coming!" Bella yelled this time. I rolled my eyes as I hated this human. Edward looked at me and frowned.

"Rosalie and I have decided to leave after the wedding. It is time for us to live our lives the way we want." I said as Rosalie walked over to me and smiled as she took my hand. Bella scoffed at us. That made me and Rosalie glare at her. Bella looked at the letter and pointed at it.

"What is that?" She asked as she walked over to me and Rosalie.

"None of your business!" I said as I folded the letter and put it in my pocket. Bella glared at me before turning to Edward and pouting at him.

"Then you will have no problem with us reading it!" He said and I scoffed.

"I do though. Since I haven't finished reading it." I said before walking away from them.

"You have no right to get in his business..." I heard Rosalie say before walking outside with me. "As soon as this wedding is over we leave." She said and I nodded my head. 

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