1.11 Forced

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I was behold pissed when I walked into the house to see Bella stand next to Edward as Rosalie looked pissed and everyone else was trying to calm her down

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I was behold pissed when I walked into the house to see Bella stand next to Edward as Rosalie looked pissed and everyone else was trying to calm her down. "Why is she here?" I asked as I walked into the living room. I watched as Edward stepped in front of Bella. "The Volturi will come for us all now because our leader is too weak to stop a little boy from bringing a pathetic human into our world." I say as Bella looks at me sad.

"You must be Madalynn... It is nice to meet you. I'm..." Bella starts to say.

"Don't care, he will kill you soon enough! Just like the others." I say as she looks at me scared and then at Edward. Edward looks at me annoyed that I let his little secret slip.

"Madalynn!" Esme says in a stern voice. I hissed at her as I was already pissed at them.

"Don't Madalynn me." I say with venom in my voice. "You are just as pathetic as your mate!" I say, making Esme look down. "How many more times are you going to let him keep doing this?" I ask as Carlisle and Esme look at each other a little ashamed.

"Mads... that's enough!" My brother says as I look at him annoyed.

"No she is right! Why won't you listen to her!" Rosalie says as everyone looks shocked and or annoyed

"Yeah, take their side! No surprise there!" I say as my brother looks at me sad. I walked away from them but not before I laid into Edward. "She will end up like the other 7 and you know it. Stop fooling yourself and stop putting the rest of us in danger because you are too pathetic to find your true mate!" I say as Edward looks at me hurt. I walk up to my room and start to pack more of my things. I hear my brother walk into my room and huff.

"I wasn't taking their side. I want him to stop this as well. Everytime he does it puts you and Rosalie in more danger." He says as I roll my eyes at him. "So, Calm yourself sister! I won't let the Volturi touch you. You know that." He says as I look at him and laugh.

"Emmett, I love you! You are my big brother and my savior. But you are stuiped if you think that Edward and his newest little blood bag won't cause a problem and the Volturi will come for us. And I for one won't be around when that happens." I say as Emmett huffs and glares at me.

"I thought we talked about this. I thought you were going to stay with us?" He says as I scoff at him.

"Not any more. Not with that pathetic blood bag of Edward's knowing about us." I say as I take off my crest that Carlisle had given me before Alice and Jasper joined us. "I will not fight for their lives when they mean nothing to me anymore. I will fight for your and Rosalie's life as you two are my family." I say as I see Edward and Bella standing there. I hiss, making Edward back away from us.

"Madalynn can we talk to you?" Edward asks as I look at him crazy. Emmett kisses my head as he leaves my room. I growl as I have nothing to say to him or his blood bag.

"Edward, I don't have anything to say to you that I haven't already said." I stated as He looked at me and then Bella.

"I was hoping you and Bella could talk. Get to know one another!" He says as I laugh.

"Why would I want to do that? So they can think I was involved in you breaking one of our laws?" I said/asked as Edward looked at me ashamed. "No! Thanks. I want nothing to do with your blood bag." I say as Edward sighs and Bella huffs at me. Edward walks more into my room and sees that more than half of it is packed.

"That is not what I am trying to do. I was hoping that maybe if you got to know her that maybe you would rethink leaving us. And maybe even become friends with her." He says as I look at him. I decided to read his mind and see if he was telling the truth. What I read pissed me off.

"Liar!" I say as he looks at me scared as he backs out of my room.

"Madalynn... I just want a chance to fall in love. Is that so wrong?" He asks as I look at him and smile.

"When she is not your mate! Then yes it is. She has no right to know about us. She has no right to be in this world. And no rights to know anything about me or the others if we don't want her too. And it is wrong because you have done the same thing with seven other girls and look what happened to them." I say as Edward now looks really ashamed as Bella looks upset and more confused. I open my mind so I can read Bella's.

"What does she mean there have been seven other girls?" Bella's mind says as she looks at Edward hurt. "Why hasn't he said anything to me about this? Why does she hate me so much?" Her mind is now going everywhere as she looks at Edward confused.

"I want to get to know you! If that means anything at all." Bella says as I laugh at her.

"It doesn't! I don't care what you want!" I say still looking at Edward. "Like I said before, when she causes problems I will not keep her safe. I will only protect my family. And she is not my family and neither are you!" I say as Edward nods his head at me.

"I am so sorry that I hurt you! I am sorry I lost you as family." He says before taking Bella's hand and walking away. Carlisle and Esme were the next to come to my room.

"Madalynn..." They say as I groan but turn to look at them. "We get that you are mad at us. But we just want you all to be happy." Carlisle says as I scoff at them.

"All but me right!?" I say as I hear Esme sigh. Carlisle steps closer to me.

"We want you to be happy as well. It's just..." Esme starts to say.

"He has always had it harder than the rest of you!" He says as I roll my eyes. "He has always wanted his mate and I guess we have always let him get away with bringing these girls home in hopes that she will be his mate." Carlisle says as I scoff at him.

"But you are right, we overlook the rest of you when this happens. We are sorry. It is unfair to all of you that Edward is putting you all in danger. But he is happy with her. Does that not count for something?" Esme says/asks as I roll my eyes again.

"No! He has done this one too many times to overlook the danger we are all in now because of him and your inability to be a leader and put your foot down and tell him no!" I say as I turn back around and start to pack.

"Mads... Please stay a little longer. I want to talk to you about something and I know once I do you will leave and I will never see you again and I just hope you can see that I did it for your own good." My brother says as he walks into my room with Rosalie behind him.

"Fine!" I say as I sit down and wait for him to tell me. Whatever he needs to tell me.

"Not today! I want to spend as much time with you as possible before you decide you hate me and don't want to see me again." He says, making me very confused as to what would make me hate him so much.

"I will give you one week! If you don't tell me by the end of the week then I leave." I say as they all look at me shocked. "I am done playing mind games with all of you! And what I said stands when she brings trouble I will not help!" I say as they all nod their heads at me.

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