5.4 Drama!

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We all listened to Irina as she told us about all that had happened over the last few months

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We all listened to Irina as she told us about all that had happened over the last few months. How the Cullens were friends with the werewolves. How they killed her mate. How they refused to help get revenge on the wolves. "And it was all because of Bella. The pathetic human that Edward was in love with." She yelled before looking down at Emma and glared. Felix and I growled at her.

"If you have a problem with my mate then you have a problem with me." He said as Alec and I stepped next to him.

"You mean us!" Alec said as Bree moved next to her mate. I smirked as My own mate stood and moved next to me with our son. Rosalie and Emmett joined us.

"So it is true. There is a new coven?" She said and I smirked even more at her.

"Yes! There is one that follows the laws of our kind. One that doesn't hide from the Volturi but shares what we know. Sister covens really." My beautiful mate said as I took our son from her. Jace glared at Irina, making me smile even more. "And Emma was never his mate. He never claimed her." Madalynn hissed, making Felix flex his muscles as he wrapped his arms around Emma.

"As you can see Irina, They stand together as a coven and a family." Aro said, as Irina lost all anger towards Emma and the rest of our coven.

 I was still trying to figure out how to stop them and make them listen to me

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 I was still trying to figure out how to stop them and make them listen to me. I knew it would take a lot as Madalynn could give them enough on us to have us all killed. Then there was my mate Emma. She would also give Aro what he wanted. If I had only let our bond form and let go of Bella then this wouldn't have happened. My family would be whole. Emmett, Rosalie and Emma would still be here and Madalynn would still be in contact with us.

"How bad could this be?" Jake asked and I shook my head. I wasn't sure. With Alice not being able to see Madalynn and Emma it made it more difficult to know what we were really up against.

"With the power Madalynn has she could kill us all with a wave of her hand. We have given her enough motivation to do it. Then there is Emma. She hates Bella. She is after all the reason she was changed. The reason she is not with her mate! Madalynn is taking the pain away but the pain she feels will soon be unleashed on the both of us." I said and Jake frowned as he sat down.

"How do we keep her safe? She isn't a danger." He asked and I knew who he was talking about. As he looked at my daughter. I smiled at the love he showed for my child. I just wish my wife would be that way with me.

"Try to reason with them. Show them that she is not a danger to our kind. But again that will be difficult. As they have evidence against us. Irina saw her and you. She has shown it to them. And they believe her. But it isn't just her that you need to worry about. They are also coming after the packs." I said and he nodded his head.

"And how do we stop them?" He asked and I sighed. I knew how we could do that but if the Volturi got to them first. Then they would never join us against them. "I need to talk with Sam. Maybe he could help calm Madalynn. They have been friends for years now. She wouldn't let them hurt him." He said and I shook my head. She would now. Now that he has protected Bella.

I shook my head as Madalynn and I went to find, witness

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I shook my head as Madalynn and I went to find, witness. I hated having to prove that we were in the right and the Olympic coven was in the wrong. The fact that Jace and Madalynn had to show them that he wasn't an Immortal child, pissed us all off. Mostly Demetri. Once they saw her growing belly they became more eager to learn more and then stand by us. Some even had their own stories against the Olympic coven. This shocked no one really as we had known that Carlisle would have had to betray others to get where he was.

We all knew that soon it would be time but we were not ready for what was coming. The fact they thought they could stand against us. That they were building an army to face us. I shook my head as I was more than ready to fight. Emmett was eager as was Felix. I shook my head as they planned everything out. How we would enter, who would stand where. I mean they wouldn't shut up about it. They wanted to show who was really in charge. They even had a plan for the wolves. Even with Madalynn protests for that matter. They still made plans.

 I shook my head as I listened to Emmett, Felix, Alec and Demetri talked about killing the pack

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 I shook my head as I listened to Emmett, Felix, Alec and Demetri talked about killing the pack. It made my stomach turn. So much so that I throw up. "For the final time. The pack is not to be hurt!" I yelled as I leaned against the wall. Emma and Rosalie glaring at their mates as Bree pressed a cold cloth against my head.

"Mads... They will stand with them. We need to be ready for whatever happens." My brother said and I shook my head.

"Only because we are coming." I said back with a frown. "They are only protecting their people. If they know what Carlisle has done. They won't stand by them for long. You know that!" I said and Emmett nodded his head.

" And, If they fight?" Felix asked and I sighed but nodded my head.

"Then their lives are in their own hands. If they die then that is on the wolf!" I said, earning a smirk from Felix and Alec. Demetri looked at me concerned. "But I will make a case that they are left alone or better yet under my protection." I said and everyone frowned at me. "Don't frown at me. Sam was my only friend for a long time. I won't turn my back on him." I said as I pointed to each and everyone of them. My brother sighed and nodded his head.

10 Chapters Left

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