3.8 Seattle

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I sat in the hotel room board as Demetri and the others went hunting. I found it gross that they hunted humans. I mean I have had my fair share of a human diet but animal blood made me feel more human, more alive, more normal. I grew restless as I waited for them to return so I could go hunt. Alec was the first one back. We sat in silence as we waited for the others to return.

"What are all your powers?" He finally asked. It shocked me at first. But then I was annoyed.

"I'm sorry?" I said as I was still shocked by his question. But more annoyed as Jane and him had tried to do a few tests on me, to see what I could do. I was sure Aro or Caius had put them up to it.

"Your powers? What all can you do?" He asked this time, annoyed as he rolled his eyes at me. I had to hold back the fireball I wanted to throw at him.

"I'm not 100% sure." I said in the same tone. "I have never tested them or written them down. And to be frank. I don't care." I said when he glared at me.

"It is also none of your business, Alec. If she wanted everyone to know then she would share what she can do." Demetri said as he walked in with Jane and Felix. Jane scoffed at him when he kissed my head. Alec held up his hands. But you could see he was pissed by how Demetri talked to him.

"If she is to be a part of the guard. I think we should know what she can do. That way she goes on the right missions." Jane said as she glared at us. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Then it is a good thing she won't be a part of the guard." Demetri said, making them all look at me shocked. Felix looked annoyed more than anything.

"Why not? She is your mate. Why would she not join us?" Alec asked in a more rude tone.

"Does Aro know this?" Jane asked as she rolled her eyes at us.

"Yes Aro knows, Jane. As for your question Alec... She has been hiding from me for the last 50 years. I have no desire to put her in any danger. Or forced to do what others want. Against her will. She has been lied to and manipulated since she was turned." He said as Jane nodded her head at me.

"She wants to be free to make her own choices." Felix said as I started to get uncomfortable with this conversation.

"We saw what you did to Heidi." Alec said, making my eyes change. Demetri Shh me. As he kissed my head. "What was that?" He asked, making Demetri growl at him.

"I hear that the first of our kids had eyes like that." Jane said as I looked at her shocked. "It was said that she was the most powerful of our kind but she was blinded by love." She said and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Don't you ever want to find your mate?" I asked, making her glare at me. "Have that one person that loves you for who you are not what you can do with your powers?" I asked as she looked at me thoughtful for a moment.

"And what if your mate only wants you for your powers?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"Then are they even your mate?" I asked as she looked at me a moment before nodding her head.

"We are not trying to push you into anything but once the vampire world finds out about you and your powers they will come for you. We are only trying to help you." Alec said as I looked at him curiously. Demetri stayed silent.

"What he means is when they find out you don't belong to a coven they will try to take you away from Demetri. We were asked to see where you stand on being a part of the Volturi." Jane said as she moved next to Alec.

"I haven't given it much thought as the last coven used me. I have always dreamed about seeing the world before joining another coven. Finding my mate and just being happy even if it is only for a short time." I said as everyone nodded their heads.

"Would you consider joining the Volturi? Even if it is not a part of the guard?" Felix asked with a look at Demetri. I looked at him and he sighed.

"We will talk about this later. Madalynn needs to hunt." He said as I just stared at him. He kissed me quickly before taking my hand and pulling me out of the room. I tried to ignore the bad feeling I was having. What was he hiding from me?

I ran as fast as I could into the woods. I could hear Demetri yelling at me to slow down. I stopped at the lake I used to go to when I was upset. I took a breath and wished to disappear. "Madalynn... I know you are here! Or have you forgotten that I will always be able to find you my little mate!" Demetri said as I sat down on the edge of the water. "Madalynn please come out from wherever you are hiding." He said as he stood behind me. I sighed as he stood there. He heard me and smirked. "Now that is something new." He said as he moved to sit behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. "Please mi amor show yourself. Do not hide from me!" He said as I again sighed and revealed myself. "How?" He asked as I just looked out at the water.

"Yes... I would like to know the same thing." We heard someone hiss behind us. Demetri was on his feet as Jane, Alec and Felix were next to him fast. I growled as the newborn stepped closer to us. "We were told you had no powers." He said, making me growl.at him.

I stood up and before anyone could stop me I had my hand around his neck. He looked at me with so much fear. Demetri moved next to me. "Mi amor..." He said but my sights were set on this newborn asshole.

"Your maker has sent you to your death! Which I will gladly give you!" I said as he tried to pry my hand from around his neck.

"How? She said you were the weakest one." He choked out before I smiled and sent him up in flames. Jane smiled at me and nodded her head.

"I hope that answers your question." I said down at the pile of ash.

"Seems that Victoria doesn't know much about you." Alec said as I smirked.

"I do not show just anyone my powers! It is more fun if they think I am weak!" I said with a devilish smirk.

"Then this should be more fun than I thought it would be!" Jane said as she came over to me and kicked the ash.

Always in the Shadows-Demetri Volturi & OC (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now