3.1 Games

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📜Author's Note📜
This week and the next three weeks will be crazy for me. I am still going to post any chapters I have written but it may not be as much as my schedule is all over the place. Please do not ask for updates as I will get to them when I have time.
Thank you
Foreverandalways 712


🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

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I was annoyed when Edward called me. He was pissed as he finally met his mate. I laughed as I knew he was torn between his mate Emma and his blood singer Bella. He was pissed that I didn't tell him that his mate was Bella's step sister. She was trying to avoid him as much as possible and that was upsetting him even more. "Please, Madalynn... She won't even look at me. The pain I feel from her not being with me. I can't stand it." He said as I smiled over at Demetri. He was laying in our bed with just the sheet covering him.

"I am sorry Edward. But you don't deserve my help! You and Alice kept me from my mate for over 50 years. You only felt a fraction of what I felt not being with my mate." I said as I walked over to Demetri. Who smiled at me. I watched him lick his lips as I straddled his lap.

"Please, Madalynn... I can't be without her. Now that I know who she is. I need her in my life." Edward said as I chuckled as Demetri started to kiss my neck.

"Sorry Edward. But even with your mate you won't leave Bella alone. You caused this problem as well as your mate not wanting to be with you!" I said as I quickly hung up on Edward.

"Now that that is over..." He said as he gripped my hips and moved us so he was now on top. "I want my mate!" He said as he moved the sheet that was keeping our bodys from being fully connected. I moaned as he kissed all over my body. "Keep it up little mate... I love hearing those sounds you make for me." He said as slide into me making me moan even louder.

I heard Demetri growl before he looked at the door. I looked at the door confused. I thought it was Felix coming to disturb us, but I was wrong. "What does she not get?" He asked as he moved to cover me up and then himself. He opened the door and there stood a woman in nothing but a silk robe. She had it open showing off her body. "Leave Heidi!" Demetri growled as she looked at him sad. She frowned when she showed me only with a sheet covering me.

"She can't do what, I can do Demetri. You know you love what I do to your body!" She said as I scoffed at her. She looked at me and glared, earning another growl from Demetri.

"Heidi... I don't know what you don't get... But Madalynn is more to me than you ever will be. The things she does to me are way better than you ever did." He said as I smirked at this bitch. She looked at him shocked before storming off. Demetri turns to me and sighs. "I am sorry mi amor! I thought I made it clear to her that you were all I wanted." He said as I looked at him sad. I know he had a past and that there were many girls in it. But it still hurt that they would try to take him away from me knowing damn well I was his mate.

"I know!" I said as I left the bed and headed into the bathroom. He followed me into the bathroom. He watched as I turned on the shower and stepped inside. I heard him growl before he stormed out of the bathroom. I wasn't sure where he was going but right now I didn't care.

 I wasn't sure where he was going but right now I didn't care

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I was pisse that Heidi was still playing her stupid games. Madalynn was now upset and it was all her fault. I knew I needed to make her stop. I know she had gone to her room and she was now in the throne room with the masters. I stormed into the throne room and glared at her. I took Aro's hand as she looked at me scared. Aro did not look happy with Heidi either.

"Heidi... I thought I made it clear that you were to leave Demetri and his mate alone. That you were to move on from this idea of being with him." Aro said as he looked at Heidi. She looked at him scared before she looked at me and sighed.

"I love him master! Those feelings just don't go away." She said as I scoffed at her.

"I don't love you! I never did. You were sex to me, that was all." I said as she looked at me hurt. "My mate is who I love. What you just did just shows what kind of woman you truly are." I said as I turned to look at Aro. "I am sorry master, but if she keeps this up. I will have to leave the coven. I won't have my mate hurt because of her and this game she thinks she is winning. When all she is doing is losing!" I said as Heidi gasped at me.

"I am sorry... But I love you and I want you to be with me. I would even let you be with her if that is what you truly want but I still want your time as well." Heidi said, making me look at her in disgust.

"I only want Madalynn. She is the only one I want. Get that through your head. I will never be with you again!" I yell before storming out of the throne room and running to my mate that I left in our room. I know I shouldn't have left her like that but I was over Heidi and her bullshit.

I smiled as she was still in the shower. "I am sorry mi amor! Let's get out of here and go see the world!" I said as she sighed.

"What about this army that is after me?" She asked as I smirked at her.

"They won't get close to you! I will kill anyone that tries to take you away from me." I said as I kissed her shoulder. "Besides... I am tracking that newborn as well as the others we saw in Washington." I say as I rub her sides. "I want to see the world with you Madalynn. I want to know what it feels like to live away from a coven for a while." I say as she turns and smiles at me. "I want my mate, to myself for as long as she will have me!" I said as she looked at me with nothing but love in her eyes, making me smile at her.

"Forever?" She asked and I nodded my head at her.

"Forever!" I said as I kissed her. I smiled as I loved the sound of us being together forever. I liked the thought of us always being together. "Marry me?" I asked as he looked up at me surprised. "I love you Madalynn... I want you to be not only my mate but my wife!" I said as she nodded her head at me. I smirked at her. "Cat got your tongue?" I asked as she nodded her head at me. That was when I noticed the tears she had. I cupped her face and wiped away her tears.

"Yes! Demetri... I will marry you!" She said as I smiled even more at her. If only we could have a child of our own. I have never wanted to have children, but with her I wanted that human life. I wanted everything with her.

Always in the Shadows-Demetri Volturi & OC (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now