5.7 Everyone has Secrets

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I shook my head as I looked at my mate, my husband and father of my children

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I shook my head as I looked at my mate, my husband and father of my children. He looked at me confused before he growled. "Like hell you are leaving me!" He roared, making my brother pick up my son and leave the room with Rosalie right behind him. I huffed as I shook my head. Emma went to move next to me but Felix pulled her outside. Saying something like stay out of this. "Look I know I was being stupid but to leave me? That is a bit far to take it, Don't you think" He said as he stepped closer to me.

"What?" I asked as he pulled me into his arms. He nuzzled his face into my neck.

"Love, please give me a chance! I never meant to upset you! I know I was being influenced now and I am sorry." He said as he placed a soft kiss on my neck. I knew what he was doing and if I wasn't so confused it might have worked.

"I'm not leaving you!" I said as I pushed him away. He sighed and pulled me closer. Trying his best to distract me. "I am going to see an old friend! One that I know can help me. If Carlisle wants to fight them I will give him one." I said and Demetri just looked at me confused. "She... Well she is someone that knows both Aro and Carlisle. She has a personal issues with both of them." I said and he was even more confused. I bit my lip as I tried to think of a way to not tell him who I was going to see and why he couldn't come with me. But I couldn't think of anything.

"I don't understand?" He said and I frowned at him. I didn't want to lose her trust and I made sure that Demetri never knew we were talking to each other or that I was updating her on her former mate. But I knew I wouldn't be able to keep this from him much longer as the battle would be in less then a month and she would be there as Carlisle killed her best friend after claiming her to be his mate.

"Her name is Rita!" I said but Demetri still looked confused. "She was once a member of the Vol..." I said but I didn't get out the rest of Volturi before Demetri sucked in his breath.

"She is alive?" He asked and I nodded my head. He didn't look mad, more confused and hurt than anything. She had told me that she looked at Demetri like her own child as he was young and kept away from the world just like I was. "We were told she was dead." He said and I shook my head. In a way they did kill her. Aro ripped her apart but Marcus wouldn't let him burn her. Claiming that this would be her lesson on why they needed to stay together. It was days later that she was able to pull herself together and she set fire to the room she was in, to cover her leaving. She told me about the pain she felt but then one day it all went away. She knew then that Aro had found someone to take away the pain Marcus was in. "Why haven't you said anything?" He asked and I just shook my head.

"Because she asked me not to. She has moved on with her life. Made a home for herself as well as a family." I said and he shook his head at me. "But she knew this day was coming." I said and that was what pissed him off.

"She knew what?" He hissed at me, making me step back from him. But he refused to let go. No, he pulled me closer. "She knew what Madalynn?" He asked again.

"That one day Carlisle and those who stood with him would pay for their crimes." I said as he cupped my face. "She has been gathering witnesses of her own." I said and he nodded his head.

"Then I will go with you." He said and I shook my head. "Why?" He asked as he looked at me annoyed.

"I wasn't supposed to tell you about her. She never wanted the Volturi to know that she was still alive. But I couldn't keep this from you not any more." I said not, even thinking about it.

"I'm not Volturi any more." He said and I sighed. I knew he wasn't but she didn't believe that he wouldn't go and tell them as she had been gone a long time. And knew Marcus was unhappy without his mate. She feared it even more.

"But you are still in contact with them. Felix, Alec... She doesn't want Aro or Marcus to know that she is alive." I said as he just shook his head. "That she chose to leave them after what they did to her." I said and Demetri sighed. I knew this hurt him. But I couldn't betray her. Not when she worked so hard to get where she is now.

"Ok fine but I am not letting you go without me." He said and I shook my head. "You are my mate. Pregnant with my child. I will not let you go and put yourself in danger. I will not let you put our child in danger!" He said as he cupped my face and walked me to a different room. I knew what he wanted and I was more than willing to give it to him.

"I won't be in danger!" I whispered but this only pissed him off more.

"How do I know that?" I growled at me as he backed me into the wall. "For all I know they could kill you and take our child. I will not be able to live without you! You are a part of my soul. You are the reason I am still walking this earth." He said as he leaned into my face.

7 Chapters Left

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