2.7 Pathice that's what you are!

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I spent the week with my little mate

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I spent the week with my little mate. I smiled as I walked in on her in the shower. I had gone hunting as we had spent a lot of time in our hotel room connecting as mates. I smiled as I hadn't taken her in the shower yet. I stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower with her. I kissed her shoulder as I grabbed her hips pulling her back into me. When she hummed I knew I could take her if I wanted her. I smiled as I turned her around and pushed her against the wall. But our moment was cut short when Felix stormed into the bathroom. I growled as I covered my mate up.

"Sorry... You are needed back at the castle." Felix said as he turned around. I grabbed Madalynn and myself towels. I waited for her to be covered before I grabbed Felix and pulled him into the sitting room. Madalynn closed the bedroom door behind us.

"What is going on? I have another week before I have to go back." I asked as I was confused and pissed that the masters were cutting my time with Madalynn short. They knew I was working on her trusting me before we returned together.

"The minder reader showed up this morning. He is asking to be killed, because his blood singer killed herself. The masters want you there as they think you have every right as he has hurt your mate." He said so Madalynn couldn't hear. I nodded my head. I didn't like that my time with my mate was being cut but maybe I would get to kill the mind reader! Or atleast watch Felix kill him.

"I'll be ready in one hour." I told him so he could leave our room. I sighed as I knew Madalynn would not be happy about cutting our time short. I walked into our room and smiled as I saw her laying on the bed in her towel, her ass on the edge of it. I smirked as I ripped it off of her and then mine. I was going to make sure we both got our release that we both needed.

The next day

I was happy that the kings waited for me, before they gave the mind reader an answer. I smiled as he walked in and looked shocked to see me. He then looked scared as he looked around. I knew he was looking for my mate. I growled as they offered him a spot in the guard. Madalynn would never come here if he was here. He looked at me annoyed as he declined. Hell bent on killing himself over some human girl that wasn't even his mate. I thought about my mate and wondered what she was doing right now. Was she laying in the sun or walking in the water?

I watched as the human clung to the mind reader. I scoffed as he was holding on to her like his life depended on it. She seemed to notice and smiled up at him. Jane rolled her eyes at them. Madalynn is so much prettier than this rage doll!" Jane said as she played with the human's hair. I nodded my head as I held my breath. I couldn't stand the way she smelt. The mind reader glared at me.

"I wonder what your mate would think about you and Bella?" Aro asked as I smirked. The human looked at him pissed. "If she will want to be with you after all of this." Aro said as he walked back to his throne.

"Has Madalynn accepted your Tracker?" The mind reader asked as I smirked at him and thought about my week with her. He growled as he looked at me.

"You and your family tried to keep my mate from me? Not the smartest thing to do!" I said as Felix nodded his head next to me. "But now you can't, she cares for me as much as I care for her. She is mine and you can not keep her away from me." I said as the human scoffed at me. I now got why Madalynn disliked her so much. She was a cocky little human but she had no real powers. Not like Madalynn.

"Madalynn... Won't be with you for long." The seer said as I smirked at her.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked as she looked at me scared.

"Madalynn has already agreed to be with me. She let me claim her as mine. She has agreed to even come here to me, the kings." I said as The mind reader, human and the seer look scared.

I rolled my eyes as I heard my big brother walking up to my house

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I rolled my eyes as I heard my big brother walking up to my house. That I had built for me and only me. He never let me live there and now I know why. I walked to the door and opened it. I stared at the people I onced called my family and coven. I was a little shocked that they were back in forks. I had only come back to pack what I had here and sell my house. I was leaving and I was going to be with Demetri as I wanted to be with my mate.

"What do you want?" I asked as Emmett and Rosalie stepped in front of everyone.

"We wanted to talk to you." Emmett said as Rosalie looked at me sad. Emmett was pissed as I was still mad at him.

"About what?" I asked as I had an idea what he wanted to talk to me about. But I wouldn't jump to any conclusions.

"Are you leaving the coven to be with Demetri?" Carlisle asked as I gave them an evil chuckle.

"I left the coven a long time ago. You all just refuse to believe that." I said as they all looked hurt. "To pathice to see that I was done with the lies and the bullshit." I said as Emmett stepped forward.

"Mads..." He said but I held up my hand.

"No! Emmett... I am done... I only came here to sell my house and get the rest of my things. I have no plans of ever coming back here or around any of you ever again." I said as my brother looked at me hurt. "So much for family loyalty right!" I said and I knew that broke my brother. He stormed off after that, Rosalie went after him. "You all can leave now!" I say as I waved them off.

"Madalynn... I know you are not happy with us... But we never meant to hurt you. We were only protecting you." Esme said as I scoffed at her.

"You mean protecting yourselves." I said as she looked at me hurt. 

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