3.13 Undecided fate

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	It has been about a week since Emma chose to leave Edward and the others in his coven

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It has been about a week since Emma chose to leave Edward and the others in his coven. She ended up turning off her phone due to how many calls she was getting from Edward, Bella, Bella's mom and even Alice. I had enough when my phone started to blow up but it was mostly Emmett, Carlisle and Edward. I walked out after my brother called five times in 20 minutes.

"What is it, Emmett? What do you all want from me now?" I snapped into the phone. I knew this took him by surprise.

"Edward is in really bad shape. He needs his mate. He needs to talk to her. See her. You can't stay hidden forever Madalynn." He said and I nodded my head as I tried not to laugh.

"We are not Hiding and I'm sure he is fine. I mean he has his blood bag to keep him occupied." I said, making him sigh. I could hear someone in the background pacing.

"She isn't who he wants. Hasn't been since he saw Emma. He loves her but feels responsible for Bella. Responsible for what was going on. You can't blame him for that. He was doing what was right. You know that." He said and I sighed.

"Has he told any of this to Emma? Because from what she has told me he still holds her hand. Still kisses her. He still tells her he loves her. Still stays over at her house at night." I asked and I heard a sigh.

"Madalynn..." I heard Edward say. He sounded bad. "I am sorry. I haven't. I should have but... the way things were going with us... I didn't want to make it worse. I only kept it up with Bella because she threatened to kill herself." He said and I laughed.

"That wouldn't have made it worse. God you are a fucking liar! You were still with Bella yet keeping Emma for yourself so you didn't feel the pain of losing your true mate. You are a liar and a bad one at that." I yelled. I knew he would backpedal and try to explain it away. I was right.

"I never meant to hurt Emma. I love her, it's just that I love Bella as well. I knew what I was doing was wrong and I regret it." He said as quietly as he could hoping that I would be a little nicer. "The pain I feel is unbearable. I want my mate home with me. I know Emma is feeling the same way and I don't want her to be in pain. Not because of me." He said and I smirked even though he couldn't see it.

"Funny, she isn't in any pain. She has been happy. Smiling and laughing like you were never a part of her life." I said and I heard a growl.

"You're lying!" Edward growled and I laughed as I sent him the video of Emma I had taken this morning. He growled again as I smiled as I watched Emma and Bree in the garden.

"Am I now?" I asked as I turned to see Demetri standing there smirking at me.

"What have you done to her? What power did you use to make her feel nothing for me?" He yelled at me. I laughed as I was so ready to tell him it wasn't me that did anything.

"I have done nothing to her. That is all her. Happy to be away from you and the blood bag. Happy to be free of you and that trashy blood bag." I said as Demetri wrapped his arms around me. I hung up and kissed Demetri.

"He will soon see that the pain he caused for the human wasn't worth it." Demetir said and I sighed but nodded my head.

"I just hate that it had to come at Emma's expense." I said and Demetri nodded his head and looked out to where Bree and Emma were sitting.

"Felix wants to come and see us." He said and I was confused. I looked at him and cocked my eyebrow at him. "He was given time off. As things have been quiet. And there isn't much for him to do right now." He said and I nodded my head.

"Can we trust him?" I asked as Demetri frowned at me. I knew he trusted his friend. But I didn't trust many. "Don't look at me like that." I said and he sighed. "You left. Started a new coven with your mate. One that used to be the most powerful of vampire covens. They have to be mad about that. Think that we are trying to over power them in one way or another." I said and he shook his head.

"I don't think they are. Aro didn't want to destroy this coven. They were peaceful. He was sad when he saw what had happened to it." He said and I smiled at him. "It was Aro's idea that I bring you here. He wanted you to feel comfortable." He said and I was a little shocked. "Since this was the birthplace of our race." He said and I raised my eyebrow at him. "It was said that the first vampire was created here. In this house." He said and I smiled at him. "This was where Aro was turned." He said as he looked out at the water.

"When will Felix be here?" I asked, wanting to change the topic. Demetri smirked at me.

"Tomorrow!" He said and I slapped his arm. "Hey, I just found out myself." He said and I shook my head at him. But since they are having a good time, maybe we could go and have a good time of our own!" He said and picked me up and ran to our room. We spent the rest of the day and most of the night in our bed. It wasn't until the next morning did something feel off. I walked to the unfinished part of the house.

It was like something was pulling me to this part of the house. I walked until I reached a wall. I placed my hand on the wall and started to push. It soon gave way. "A door?" I said as I walked in. It was a hidden library. I walked in and was shocked to see all the old books. One caught my eyes. I walked up and picked it up off the stand it was on. It looked as though' someone was writing in it just before the attack happened.

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