3.6 I can see what she can't

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	I walked hand and hand with Demetri to the throne room

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I walked hand and hand with Demetri to the throne room. I didn't like being around so many vampires and Demetri knew it. As it made for a higher chance of me coping, their powers and I didn't want that. He didn't like it either but when Aro wants us there we must go. I held my head high as we walked in. I knew that Aro did this so that my powers would grow. I didn't have the heart to tell Demetri this as he was still a member of their guard and I knew he would hide me away from them if he found out. And I didn't want that again. I knew Heidi was glaring at me and I smiled. I did enjoy pissing her off as she did try to steal my mate. "Aww! Demetri and Madalynn are back." I heard Aro say from his throne. I stopped as my vision went blurry.

"Maddy baby, what is wrong?" Demetri asked in a concerned tone. I shhed him as I wasn't sure what this was all about. I was soon pulled into a vision but I was there not just seeing it from the outside looking in. I stood there for a moment afraid of me in case they saw me. I have never done this before but my powers were always changing and getting stronger. It was Victoria and her little army.

"I do not care! We need more. If we are to go up against them then we will need many more. They have powers, ones that could kill us all if we don't have the numbers to go up against them." Victoria said as she looked at a younger guy.

"What about the other one? What do we do about her?" He asked as He growled.

"Madalynn... Yes... I need to think about how to get her away from her mate. He seems to be very protective of her. He will make it very hard to even get close to her." Victoria said as I walked around the dark room. I looked at all the young newborns. I started counting and there were 26 of them, which was a lot more than the handful that was at the air strip a few weeks ago.

"Yes and the ones we sent after her never returned. So does she have help or what?" The guy asked as Victoria showed her teeth. Scaring the young ones. I was confused by this as they were stronger than her and could easily take her no problem. The only single vampire that could take all of them on would be me. Maybe Jane and Alec but even then they would have a hard time with them.

"Yes she has help. Her mate and his coven are helping her. But we can take them if we have enough vampires on our side. That is why you are making so many. The Army needs to be big if we want to win. And my friend is getting more on our side against them all." She said as I growled at her. She was going to try to take on the Volturi. I knew she was crazy but this is a little far for her.

"What if she doesn't help like you said she will? What if she stays out of the fight?" The guy asked as I smirked at them. I knew she was trying to make her case stronger with this vampire but she would have a hard time with any other vampires that knew the Olympic coven.

"She will, the love of her brother and his mate will win her over and she will show and fight with the rest of her coven." Victoria said, making me laugh at her. She clearly didn't know anything about me. "She has no gifts like the rest of her coven. And they will not protect her if we make them choose between the human and her. And they will choose the human before even looking her way." She said as I frowned at her. I knew she was right about that but me being giftless was wrong and I couldn't wait to show her how wrong she was. I didn't want to help them but here saying I was powerless really pissed me off.

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