5.1 It has begun

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I had been a vampire for a month now and I was still pissed about Emmett and Rosalie leaving us

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I had been a vampire for a month now and I was still pissed about Emmett and Rosalie leaving us. At Madalynn for turning her back on those who kept her safe. Renesmee was growing bigger by the second. Hell I wasn't even mad that Jake imprinted on her. I was jealous, more shocked than anything seeing as me and Jake had an affair and now he was fated to be with my daughter. How would I explain this to her? How would I explain this to Edward? This was all Madalyy's fault. If she had just stayed and done what she was told then none of this would have happened.

"Bella?" I heard Edward say as I paced our little living room. I looked at him and frowned. "What is it?" He asked and I pouted. I knew I couldn't tell him that I was still in love with Jake, that I hated seeing him all caring about our daughter, that I wanted that all for myself like it was before she was born. That she ruined my life. Yes I am immortal now but she stole from me. My own daughter stole what was mine.

"We aren't going to have much time with her!" I said trying to hide the smile that started to creep up on me. Soon I would have Jake back by my side. Soon everything would be as it was before I became pregnant. All I needed was Emmett and Rosalie here to take care of her. Rosalie was more of a mother then I would ever be. I knew she would do it given the chance.

"We don't know that for sure." He said and I pouted again. Why was he acting like this? He didn't want her before so why does he now?

"I wish Rosalie and Emmett were here!" I said as I moved to sit down on the couch.

"I don't see why?" He said looking at me confused. "Why do you tell our daughter about them and how they loved her? When you know that they hated you. Hated all of us. For how we treated Madalynn." He said and I grew more pissed by his words.

"Because they will. She is perfect. She has a right to know her family!" I said with a hiss. He stepped back from me.

"Bella, they left. They aren't coming back. Why are you acting this way?" He asked and I laughed. I had this whole idea in my head of how it would be when I turned and that all went to shit when Madalynn left. Emmett and Rosalie turned on all of us. Yes Jasper tried to keep them here but they fought it. All because of their love for Madalynn. Her and her stupid powers.

"Because they should be here. Dotting over our child not off with her. I had everything planned out and she ruined it all." I hissed and he sighed. "I won't let her get away with taking what is mine!" I growled and Edward looked at me confused.

"I never should have chosen you over my mate!" He said, stopping me in my tracks. He still wanted Emma. She still longed for her. I looked at him hurt as he walked away. I knew I had no right to be mad as I longed for Jake but it still hurt.

 I knew I had no right to be mad as I longed for Jake but it still hurt

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I shook my head as I was told that Bella had sent another letter. Demanding that Rosalie and Emmett return and rejoin the coven and that I should reconsider my life choice before it is too late for me. This sent my brother into a rage. I knew he wanted to return and destroy them all now more than ever. "The three of us are going to meet them!" He said one day and I scoffed as I got Jace dressed. I wasn't about to go anywhere near them now that I have my mate and child. "It is time we put our foot down." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Mads we can't do it without you!" He said and I sighed knowing that he was right.

"Fine I will agree but I will not go without Demetri!" I said and Emmett nodded his head.

"I think it's best we all go. Show them that we are strongest together. That we are a family, a real family!" He said, making them all nod their heads at me.

"Fine!" I said with a shake of my head. I didn't like it. But this might be the reason for the dream. The one with the battle in it. I looked at my husband and mate and he frowned. I could tell he didn't like the idea of having our son around them. And if my dream was true I would soon be pregnant with our daughter. I knew he would put the three of us in danger. I shook the thoughts from my head as this was what needed to happen. But that would also mean she already had her child.

"I think she already had her child." I said and this stopped them all from talking. "The seer said that she wasn't sure when the child would be born but that it would be soon. As it had become harder to see what was going on." I said as everyone looked at me confused. "I think Edward knocked her up while she was still human." I said as I had heard a few stories about this sort of thing happening.

"But the mother's never live!" Rosalie said and I nodded my head.

"But Edward would have thought everything through. He would have been ready to save her if he thought she wasn't going to make it." I said and She nodded her head.

"But the wolves would have killed them if they bit her!" Emma said and I nodded my head thinking about how he would have gotten around that.

"Yes, if any of them bit her. Not inject her." I said and Emmett frowned at me.

"He milked himself. Like a snake?" Alec asked, confused. I nodded my head. That was what I thought. It would be the only way to get away with turning her. I looked at my brother and he frowned at me.

"I think you are right!" He finally said. "We need to think this all out before we do anything." He said and I agreed with him on this. I looked at Demetri and he was holding our son.

"I won't let anyone hurt you!" He said as he leaned down and kissed me. "I will always protect you!" He said against my lips. I smiled up at him. I didn't notice that everyone had left. "You three are my everything!" He said, making me frown at him as he smirked at me. "You haven't heard it yet?" He asked as I continued to frown at him. I stopped and listened and there it was a tiny heartbeat coming from my stomach. I placed my hands over my belly and smiled. "Baby girl!" Demetri said as he placed his hand over mine.

"Then this will come sooner than we think." I said and he nodded his head.

"We should let the kings know what is going on!" He said as he pulled me up and kissed me again. We still didn't know who was helping Carlisle but we had an idea. But there were things that were still unclear! 

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