4.4 Wedding Bells

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

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I smiled as I got dressed. Madalynn and I were getting married in just a few hours. I couldn't be happier. She is my everything. I couldn't imagine life without her now that I had her. She may have turned it upside down at first but she righted all of that. She made me whole, made me feel alive. Made me see that I was more than just the Volturi tracker. I didn't notice that Felix and Alec had walked in. "Look at him all lovie and shit! Lost thinking about his mate. I think Aliens took over his body! With how he has been acting since he met her." Felix said, getting my attention. I shook my head as I smiled over at them.

"He is even smiling! Who are you and what have you done with our friend?" Alec said with a chuckle. I flipped him off but laughed.

"You both know if you were in my spot you would be just as happy as I am now!" I said and they both smiled and nodded their heads. Before Alec frowned at me. I knew Aro had pulled him away from his mate as I watched her pout and stare at them through the window.

"Aro wants us to go and check on the Olympic coven. Saying something doesn't feel right! He doesn't want them to know that we are coming. Doesn't want us to be seen either." Alec said and I nodded my head.

"Yeah! I have been having that feeling as well. Something about what Madalynn found makes me think that Carlisle had help. Someone inside the Volturi and The Greek coven. But I think there is more to what Carlisle has done. Something that made them keep Madalynn hidden for not one me but other vampires as well." I said and they looked at me shocked.

"You think?" Felix asked and I nodded my head. "I mean that could explain how the wolves got in without being seen. Maybe Madalynn knows something but is blocking it out." He said as moved over to the window. I could see the worry on his face.

"But who would gain from that in our coven?" Alec asked clearly trying to figure out who it could have been. I had a list but there were two that I questioned and wasn't sure if I should say anything just yet as Jane and Aro were on my list. I shook my head, I wasn't going to continue this on my wedding day.

"I don't know and right now I don't want to think about it." I said and they both nodded their heads. They soon left the room. Nodoubt looking for their mates. I smiled when my mate walked into the room, she looked ravishing. So much so that I wanted to remove her dress and say screw the wedding and just start our honeymoon now. She patted my chest.

"Soon my love!" She said before walking to our bed. She opened her night stand and pulled out an old necklace. I recognized it as her mothers.

"Let me." I said as I walked up behind her. I helped her put it on. "You look beautiful!" I said as I ran my finger down her back. She shivered, making me smirk. "I bet you are so wet right now!" I said as she leaned into me. "Should I check?" I asked and she frowned at me. I smirked as I thought about how good she tastes.

"Do you not want to marry me?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No! I do. But you look so delicious. That it is hard for me to think straight." I said and she pouted at me.

"If you wait... I will make it worth your wild!" She whispered as she winked at me. I groaned as I wanted her now. I didn't want to wait. She was mine after all.

"Fine... But don't plan on staying long at the party... I have plans for you!" I said and she smirked at me.

"Of course my love." She said as she leaned in to kiss me. She only kissed the corner of my mouth knowing that I wouldn't let her go if we kissed. I groaned when she pulled away from me.

"Tease!" I said as she walked out the door laughing.

I smiled as Bree and Emma walked me down the aisle

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I smiled as Bree and Emma walked me down the aisle. I wanted my brother here but I knew I couldn't trust him to keep his mouth shut. I looked at Demetri and he smiled at me as he took my hand. "Beautiful." He said as he kissed my hand. I got lost looking into his eyes, and when It came time to say our vows Demetri smirked at me.

"Do I dazzle you that much?" He asked and I smirked at him.

"You know you do!" I said and he kissed me.

"Please repeat after me!" Marcus said as he smirked at the both of us.

"My love, My forever!" Demetri repeated with the biggest smile on his face. Marcus turned to me.

"My love, my forever!" I said with just as big of a smile.

"Then I am happy to announce you as husband and wife. May you live a long and happy life together as one." He said and Demetri smirked before pulling me into his arms and kissing me. I moaned into that kiss. "And as always please kiss your bride!" Marcus said with a chuckle. I could hear the cheering but didn't care as I was in my mates arms. I felt safe in his arms. It was a feeling I only felt with him.

"Now to take my mate away and have a private party of our own." He said, making me slap his chest. He only smirked at me.

"I love you!" I said and he pulled me into another kiss.

"I love you, Madalynn... You are my everything." He said as he held me close. "I would do anything for you! All you have to do is ask." He said as music started to play. I smelt blood and frowned. "I know you don't like it but it is their way." He said as I looked into his almost amber eyes. I was surprised that he had stuck to trying out an animal diet. I cupped his face and kissed him.

"You don't have to feed like me. I will still love you!" I said, making him frown at me.

"I know. But I do like hunting with you." He said and I laughed. "Now it is time to leave." He said with a small growl as he moved one of my straps and kissed my shoulder.

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